Uhura Brite. A lovely girl if you ask me. Although there is the small problem of the family curse....but we'll get to that in a bit.
Here we go, big smiles now! As you can see Uhura is a bit unlucky. All the Brites have been actually. Some call it a family trait, others call it a curse. Not Uhura. No, she's determined to prove everyone wrong, and as such has decided to move to Moonlight Falls, and start a family. A family that will span 10 generations, each one more prosperous and successful than the last.
Of course this was decided under the influence of nectar and now she's wondering if maybe she was a little hasty in this decision.
It doesn't help that the only place she could afford is just down the road from the town cemetery. Hopefully the ghosts won't wander over. Uhura doesn't have the strongest of constitutions after all.
Uhura's first order of business is to get herself a job, so she heads down to get a part-time job at the bookshop. Pardon the plumbob.
Next job was to find a boyfriend to get the whole family going. Heading to Eerie park she began chatting to the first man she saw. Nicely done Uhura.
With that charming face I don't know who could resist.
Apparently this silver fox can. No matter Uhura, it's only your first day.
Rather than let his rather rude rejection get her down Uhura chooses to enjoy the summer afternoon by picking flowers. Ah. Lovely.
Next she tried her luck with the claw machine.
The family curse strikes again and Uhura loses the large bag of coins that was close to being hers.
We've all shaken our fists at an inanimate object before. If you haven't you're lying.
Next order of business is a food eating contest. She is a legacy founder after all. Free food is free food.
Perhaps Uhura's luck is changing?
Of course later she faints at the sight of one of the Crumplebottom ghosts but still. Baby steps.
The next day Uhura takes to the library before work to set up an online dating profile in hopes of meeting suitable guys. It uh...doesn't go to plan.
A few days pass and no hits on her profile. Uhura's feeling pretty low so she decides to explore the town and finds herself at the beach.
It isn't the scenery that catches our founder's eye however.
Uhura decides to go over and introduce herself. Presenting Uhura Brite's Guide to Making Friends.
Step One: Approach your future new best friend and point to something in the distance.
While they may look like you're crazy, don't be discouraged!
Step Two: Once they look to where you pointed whip out a nice big water balloon. If possible hit them in the face, though body shots will do just as well.
Step Three: Bask in the gloriousness of friendship.
Thankfully Connor Vega is a friendly enough guy who didn't take offence to Uhura's odd introduction.
They proceeded to talk for a while, Uhura trying very hard to seem cool and impressive. I think she managed.
As Uhura left to wander home Connor stopped her by the men's toilets. Not the most romantic spot but okay...
Of course the flowers are yellow. Sometimes the jokes just write themselves. It seems our sweet founder has made quite an impression on this Connor fellow. He seems just as odd as Uhura...perhaps something may come of it. But we'll have to wait until the next part.
So for now, have a picture of a sunrise. Lighting mods just...argh.