A Brite Legacy | One.Three

Feb 26, 2013 00:54

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-- Quick admin stuff! You guys should all check out my simblr for random stuff, sim stuff, but also Brite stuff which didn't make it into the updates. C'mon. It'll be fun I swear. We can chat about stuff. I swear. --

Onto the update. So hold onto your hats folks, the emotional roller-coaster is about to begin[How did this even happen?]

Last time Connor moved in with Uhura and everything was sunshine and rainbows. Sensing that her unlucky streak was changing Uhura decided to visit the local mystic to see what the stars had to say. The gypsy mentioned something about sparks flying in her future before demanding her simoleons.

Uhuara: And then she said if I wanted to know more I had to "cross her palms with silver". I knew going to her was a stupid idea.

Connor: Well what did you expect? Anyway. It's Spooky Day today...I'm sure we can find something to take your mind of things.

Ahem. Yes. Well.

Connor: Best. Spooky Day. Ever.


It seemed like domesticity was creeping in on the couple and they began thinking about kids, Uhura going dumpster diving for some nice nursery items. Not bad I dare say.

It wasn't long before their spooky day activities caught up with Uhura...

Thankfully she was pretty darn pleased with this turn of events. It is a legacy after all.

Excited with her impending bundle of awesome, Uhura visited the local library as she couldn't afford to buy her own pregnancy books.

As legacy founder she took her new baby very seriously, spending the entire day by the window, prepping herself with important knowledge, like why leaving the baby on the floor by the broken dishwasher is a bad thing. You laugh but many sims don't know this.

Back home Connor was fixing a tv set for a neighbour...

Of course, it isn't called a family curse for nothing.

Connor Vega, died before he could meet his first and only child. You will be remembered.

Uhura is left single and pregnant, working a badly paid job with bills to pay. Perhaps that gypsy knew more than she let on.

Aaaaand that's all for now. Tune in next time for....nah, I'm just messing. Emotional Roller-coaster guys!

The days went by, slowly at first, but Uhura did her best to focus on staying strong for her baby. It was all she had left of Connor after all. But there was something bothering her.

Uhura revisited the gypsy. The past few days Uhura had been feeling a presence within her house. It would brush past her every now and then, but it was strongest in the nursery. Hoping the mystic could shed some light on what might be happening our beloved legacy founder once more crossed the gypsy's palm with silver. Only to be given vague words which did nothing to help Uhura.

That presence was of course Connor. It seemed that his spirit was unable to cross over as he had unfinished business. Namely his unborn child.

He would follow Uhura around as the due date grew closer. She was unaware she was being haunted, but there were times when a chill would rush over her skin and she would feel like an angel was watching over her.

Eventually Uhura grew sick of it though. Determined not to let some family curse hold her back she swore that instead of turning to the mystic she would rely on science. Science!

After reading about an experimental treatment Uhura took her dead boyfriend's ashes to the Science Centre in hopes of helping Connor back into the land of the living.

That night the pair slept soundly. Although they were unable to fully return him to corporeal form, they were able to tie him to this realm. It was good enough for them.

A few days later Uhura went into labour.

Welcoming Mal Brite. Traits to come later once he's all Toddlerfied and less grub-like. Spoiler Alert: He's a real cutie.

Reunited with Connor, Uhura wasted little time rekindling their romance while their son slept.

It wasn't perfect, but while swapping jokes and secrets under the stars it was made clear that not even death could part these two.

Aw, now that's better isn't it? Uhura Brite isn't going to let something like electrocution stop her in her quest to prove that that luck and family curses has nothing to do with happiness.

Next time, marriage, babies and possibly more fire. We made it through this update without a blazing inferno, but this is the Brite Legacy so only time will tell.

brite legacy, sims 3, generation one

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