new game?

Apr 05, 2015 16:22

uhhh hey. i hope i didn't freak out anyone by not posting on here for a couple days. is anyone reading this? lol, whatever

ugh, it's so hard to keep living. i just want a website that'll randomly generate reasons to live another day, even if it's just silly things like, "poutine is really really good" or something.

anyway, i want to choose a new game. i feel like this is the final dungeon to the game. rpgfan is a sidequest that i'm stuck on right now that i don't HAVE to do, but it used to be fun, and i'm used to doing the tasks, so i might as well keep going. if this is the game i'm playing, i guess finals are the final boss. i wonder how i'll log this game... then it'll be like logging is saving my progress! XD

HAHA, also, after a lot of my friends told me to unfriend belle since it's really not worth keeping another thing in my life that will just make me hurt and angry, belle messaged me on tumblr?? and she was exactly the same, biting and hurtful and self-righteous and passive agressive and SO UNBELIEVABLY condescending. lol, whatever. i'm done with this. i was able to cut communication with gretchen, so i should be able to do this with belle too

oh also! vanessa got back to me, and she was glad that i talked to her! wow, that was one of the most stressful nights of the year. i'm glad it was okay, though. :)

angst, belle, vanessa

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