May 28, 2009 16:02
I got my exam results; for the first time since starting university, I did well. The pass mark was 57.9%, the class mean was 64.7%, and I got 66.9%. I passed every single OSCE station. I'm so happy. I just can't believe it. I was expecting to pass, but I thought I'd be below average. But I'm comfortably into the second quartile. Feeling quietly confident about the future now; if I can do better next year, I might make it into the top quartile. And if the exams next year go a bit wrong, I have spare marks from this year (quite a lot of them) to save me from having to resit. And if I can stay in the second quartile, I should manage to get a nice F1 job. Just... so relieved and surprised right now. Slightly concerned that my squee might be harshed later (suspect that most of the transfers did much better), but am going to try and stay happy about this - because I have done so well, for me. At Oxford, I was consistently near the bottom of the year, scraping passes (sometimes getting dead on the pass mark). We didn't get quartile rankings, but if we had, I know I'd have been in the lowest. On my way home this afternoon, before I'd seen my results, I was seriously wondering what I'd do if I did badly again. But I don't have to cope, because everything is all right.