Literally whooped for joy when I heard: income over £150,000 will be taxed at 50%. I know that the reasons Labour are having to do this are complicated, and I don't know enough about economics to know how I feel about their handling of the financial crisis, but I just get a visceral JOY from Labour doing what Labour should have done all along. It seems like a fundamental principle of social justice that those who are fortunate enough to prosper should contribute financially to the society which has given them the chance to succeed. Of course there are issues with how public money is spent, and I'm sure that when I'm paying tax I'll resent the Government's priorities not least because the first ten years of my medical career will no doubt be blighted by Conservative rule, and I do wonder what amazing tax evasion schemes upper-middle-class households will be coming up with as we speak - but my knee-jerk reaction is still to be pleased.
Oh, and my OSCEs were fine, too! Not amazing - no merits for me - but not terrible. We don't get the marks until the end of May, so no point obsessing. Written exam on Friday; just finishing off my SSM, and then I'll start revising...