X-Mas '06 is officially over, and its my absolute favorite time of year - that is to say it is, cronologically speaking, the absolute longest possible time before more holidays.
I am not, of course counting New Year, because, we always get away during New Year and that is generally a good time.
So, I'm not going to start on workstuff until tomorrow, I'll indulge in a bit of meme posting - this one originally stolen from
dasein_plushie 1. A is for age:
For the moment, 31. That will all change in a few weeks when I aparently skip 32 completely and go right to 33.
2. B is for beer of choice:
O.K. I'll answer this, but S better be for Single Malt...
Actually, as a "beer" I'd much rather it be a scotch and soda, but given my druthers I'll ususally go for a Newcastle, Becks, or in the summer a nice Krystal Weissbeir with a wedge of lemon.
3. C is for career right now:
Hacker for hire. Breaking into the Internets, and writing reports...
4. D is for your dog's name?
I do not own a dog. I've not owned a dog in quite some time, probably more than 20 years at this point...
5. E is for essential item you use everyday
Does coffee count? If not - my trusty Zippo.
6. F is for favorite TV show at the moment:
There are a lot of them... I like the TV.
7. G is for favorite game:
Usually something puzzle related - I'm one of those puzzle addict freaks.
8. H is for Home town:
I was borned in Detroit, but as a young'un I was rasied in Harper Woods, MI which is like a block from Detroit, so I'm not sure why I'm drawing distinctions...
9. I is for instruments you play:
Does "breaking glass during that one part in Neubauten's cover of 'Sand'" count?
10. J is for favorite juice:
I really want to say "clamato" here, just because that's how I roll, but umm, as wonderful of an idea as tomato/clam juice is, I'd probably have to go a bit more traditional with something like cranberry...
11. K is for whose butt you'd like to kick:
The list is long my friend, the list is very, very, very long.
12. L is for last place you ate:
At home. Leftovers - I've had a preview of what's comming down the pike in this meme and if I tell you now, it will totally spoil the surprise when you get to letter "Y"....
13. M is for marriage:
In Belieze. That will just be cool...
14. N is for your full name:
das firegod enmascarado la plata
15. O is for overnight hospital stays:
Several of these - the first of which was a tonsils/adnoids thing when I was a kid... Then there was the time my appendix almost burst, and when I blew out my knee...
16. P is for people you were with today:
Early morning - my family, right now - Amy.
17. Q is for quote:
"Anybody can be a non-drunk. It takes a special talent to be a drunk. It takes endurance. Endurance is more important than truth."
18. R is for Biggest Regret:
Regrets - I've had a few...
19. S is for status
Currently online, opperational, and all systems functioning. Thanks for asking.
20. T is for time you woke up today:
Did you know that they have a 6 in the AM now?
21. U is for underwear you have on now:
A pair of Glow in the dark Halloween Boxer Shorts...
22. V is for vegetable you love:
Kimchee. I absolutely love the Kimchee.
23. W is for worst habit:
Trying to think of clever, smarmy, and long-ish replies to simple questions on Internet memes, thus making them take an inordinately long tome to complete...
24. X is for x-rays you've had:
Waaay too many to count...
25. Y is for yummy food you ate today:
Earlier this week I got a new Dutch Oven from Amy's mom. I decided to break it in by expertly braising some short ribs. I have to say - those were damn fine short ribs. Braised for 3 hours in a brasing liquid I made from garlic and onions, stock, some chipoltle peppers, and the red adobo sauce in which chiplotle peppers are often packed. Today I had the leftovers, and after sitting in the chipoltle braising liquid for 2 days in the fridge, It was near-trancendant...
26. Z is for zodiac sign: