Jun 25, 2008 17:00
So I'm closing in on finishing that novel proposal. I have been procrastinating WAY too much. I put in a solid 2.5 hours of work today and have it almost complete. I thought, "All this time that I've been freaking out, I've been a couple hours away from finishing? Why didn't I do this a long time age?"
I have to let it sit tonight and then read through the whole thing tomorrow. When I write things, I have to sleep on them at least one night and go back to them the next day. Then I am objective enough to see whether what I wrote is good or bad. The other factor is finding people in my critique group who actually have time to read it. My critique group has kind of slacked off from talking to each other, quite suddenly I might add. I guess all the excitement generated by the conference just kind of died down after a few days. Kind of a pity, cause I really want to keep in touch with some of them but it's not looking too likely right now. I guess that's why most of my friends are people I know in the real world rather than people I met online. I can show up at their door and make them talk to me!
Speaking of which, I did that last night. Holly, Kristin and I watched the "I Love the New Millenium" 2002 and 2003 last night. I had forgotten how much I like those shows (well, the ones that are recent enough that I remember the stuff they're talking about). Holly was right, they are an input heaven. They also gave the greatest description of Gollum I've ever heard or will ever hear again. "Who doesn't love a bipolar schizophrenic naked little man who dreams of ruling the world?" Indeed, who doesn't?
I also got to tell my graveyard story to a new listener last night. :) As the years go on, it gets harder and harder for me to remember exactly why those lights were so scary, and I think my story has gotten less scary too, lol, but trust me...at the time...IT WAS SCARY. And very un-explainable. And Kristin called me Scully because I said that at the time I thought there had to be a rational explanation. LOL. Well that's ironic because I pretty much AM Scully. And at the time, I was with a guy who, in typical Mulder fashion, assumed automatically that it was supernatural. And he had a nose that could rival David Duchovny in size any day of the week. What a weird coincidence.
My pseudo-sophomore track fundraiser unwanted visitor person has not come back yet. *wipes sweat from forehead*. It stinks because now I feel like keeping my doors closed and locked when Jaron's not here, and I like to keep them open to get light into the house (saves on electricity, plus sunlight boosts your mood). Mom says I should ask our landlord Ray to put locks on the screen doors so I can still leave the big doors open. Maybe I will do that.
Did I have lunch? No. I ate breakfast, moped, talked to Fishy, started work, and then blogged. No lunch. I'd better get supper.