I apologize for my absence yesterday. I have been very busy.
Ignore the rotten tomatoes on the counter top. I meant to bring them home fresh yesterday, but I got sidetracked and left them at my apartment when I visited to check on some things retrieve some things.
Going home is getting harder and harder... I find it difficult to avoid Natalia, but thankfully she is almost always out looking for me elsewhere. If she comes to the door and asks for me, kindly inform her that you haven't heard from me since Friday at work. If she claims the apartment smells like me, blame it on a mutual brand of Vodka.
I mustn't keep forgetting that I have someone to take care of back home... someone very needy. I cannot stay for long, however, because Natalia often checks home to see if I am there, and I'd rather she not find my pet. She's hurt the poor thing enough.
Please do not call me. I will be in the Library most of the day and I don't want my phone going off while there. I will also be looking for Alfred. Expect me late.
I'll stop by the market on my way home and see if I can't get us something for dinner.
Dispose of this not properly when you're done reading. I don't want anyone finding it.
((ooc: Think you know whodunnit?
Then vote.))