{Blog} What Rotten Luck.

Apr 07, 2010 19:30

I don't think it's ever come to me missing my little sister's presence this much. Without her... the landlord comes every month and demands payment that I can't afford. I have rent to pay not only for my own apartment but also for my office down town. Without the mutual support of my sisters and the income from the pile of ashes that was the flower shop, it's getting... very difficult.

Because my office hours end around five pm and only go from Tuesday through Friday... I have enough room to... a-apply for another job.

I submitted an application to become a waiter at a French Restaurant - Jerome. I, apparently, have some French roots in me... because my Aunt Catherine is half-French... they're there, but... barely. I never imagined myself to be a waiter. Food service just isn't my thing... but it's better than a job at McDonald's.

!post type: blog, my business is not unsucessful!, why does karma hate me?

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