
Jun 23, 2006 14:11

I'm currently watching Angel and guess what? Evil!Cordelia just told Connor they are having a baby...

And this is just the last thing in a really long line of things that made me either go "Bitch, tell me you did not just do that!" or "What in the fuckety fuck is wrong with you people?" I know the show is old and I probably missed a loooot of wank about the topic, but still.

Did dear Joss wake up at night and thought about the best way to torment his fans? Is this a test designed by the almighty Whedon to see how much his followers can take before they give up on the show? I think I'm having a crisis of faith. I don't know if I can continue watching.

You see, it all started with Darla. I really like the character. She is an evil bitch and had fucking Angelus more or less wrapped around her little finger. What is not to like? But then she got pregnant! From Angel! And the first cracks in my skull appeared. I mean, did they quiz people about the thing least likely to happen and most likely to make my brain explode and then decided to use that?

But to be fair, the whole thing led to the Connor and Holtz arc, which I just loved, because it was completely and utterly fucked up. Go figure.

Connor is one creepy little bugger. Hot in a “I'm gonna put you in a coffin and sink you to the bottom of the ocean to rot for all eternity” way, but there is no denying it. And then he went and had sex with Cordelia. Not that I blame him, because with the growing up in a hell dimension and the being a horny teenager he did not know any better.

But Cordy should have. I mean, she changed his fucking diapers. She was the closest thing to mother the little creep had. Arrrgh. I’m a seasoned slasher, wise in the ways of the buttsex and have nothing against a little family loving. *cough* Supernatural *cough* But that was just wrong. (Call me a hypocrite and see if I care. ;) Especially when you consider the fact that the one she really had the hots for was Angel.

And don't get me started on the whole Cordelia and Angel thing. I am so glad it didn't seem to work out. They don't have an ounce of chemistry between them. I think they just confused a great friendship and a deep trust for something that is most definitely not there. And even if I was wrong, they should know fucking better. Because, hello? Risking perfect happiness? Not such a great idea. Ask Buffy. But neither of them brings it up even once. And I honestly don't see Angel missing such a great chance to brood.

Boohooo, I can’t get laid. My life is miserable and I hate it. But I deserve the punishment for all the bad, bad things I did and the chicks really dig that tall, dark and tortured thing. It’s such a golden oldie, really.

This of course brings me to the topic of Cordelia as a whole, or rather her character development. She used to kick so much ass ca. season 2. I really loved her and I try to love her now, but damn girl. You are not making it easy for me. All I see is a really annoying Mary Sue.

All in all, these people wouldn't have half of the problems they do, if they just stopped sleeping around. Yes, that means you too, Wesley.

And now I am all ranted out. Thank you and goodbye. I will go back to pretending that I have a life.


To anyone who should read this by chance: Don't you dare spoiler me for the rest or I shall do unspeakable things to you. Because my flesh is weak and my will is even weaker and just who am I trying to kid? Of course I will watch each and every episode. Please?

tv, nerdage

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