(no subject)

Sep 03, 2008 16:23

I went and had my quarterly diabetes check up today. That means a nurse took a blood sample to test my HbA1c. Thats a form of hemoglobin that can be used to measure the blood glucose average from the past three months. Obviously a very important number for a diabetic, since blood sugar levels as close to normal as possible are the only way to prevent the metric fuckton of possible complications (all of them horrible) later in life.

This is the first test since my diagnosis. It was 16,2% then, that's an average blood glucose level of 25mmol/l or 450mg/dl, when 4-5,9% is considered normal! Most charts don't even go that high. No wonder I wasn't feeling too hot at that time.

Anyway, the test will give me an idea of were I stand with my diabetes management, since I have absolutely no idea, except that it probably could be better. I'll know for sure in two weeks, but I'm a bit afraid my numbers will be too high.

And on top of that, I feel like I'm getting sick. I've had a faint background headache all day and sure enough, my sugars are out of whack too. I tested 11,8 after lunch, so I took one additional unit of insulin. Thats usually enough to get me down at least 3 points, but two hours later it was 16,5. *grrrr* I hope this is just a bad day. I knew I was going to get sick sooner or later, but I really don't want to deal with a stupid flu in addition to Ketoacidosis.


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