Dead Snow

Apr 09, 2009 14:42

This LJ has been entirely too zombie free in the past few months, but this is about to change because I finally saw Dead Snow, a delightful little Norwegian movie about Nazi zombies. Yes that's right, I said Nazi zombies.

Ever since I saw the trailer, I knew I had to see this. I realize that it takes a certain, shall we say 'special' subset of people to truly appreciate the greatness of the concept of Nazi zombies, but you already knew that I'm very special in that regard.

And it was great. Dead Snow delivered everything I expect of a good zombie movie: gore and humor. Nothing is worse than a boring zombie movie that takes itself too seriously, see Severed for a perfect example of that. I almost passed out from boredom watching that one.

Dead Snow is about a group of medical students, that go on a short winter vacation in a cabin in the mountains. Everyone whose seen The Evil Dead knows that cabins in the middle of nowhere are never a good idea. (almost as bad as splitting up) And so the resident movie geek, wearing a Braindead T-shirt btw, jokes about loosing cellphone reception and names horror movies that start with a group of friends traveling to a deserted location without cell phones. The makers of this film are clearly fans of the old classics. This also shows in the way the intestines start flying later on.

During the first night a local drops by and informs the group that the mountains are dangerous, because during WW II some Nazis under the command of an Oberst Herzog were stationed there. They did all the usual evil Nazi things, stole the villagers gold and then fled to the mountains where they supposedly froze to death. Dun Dun Dun.

Of course it doesn't take long for the first zombie Nazis to show up and start the slaughter. And there is plenty, although the movie makers seem to have a special fondness for intestines. There were several scenes that made me cringe and laugh at the same time, exactly the way it's supposed to be. :)

One of my favorite scenes is the absolutely epic battle between two of the guys, armed with all the favorites like shotgun, chainsaw, axe and a horde of Nazi zombies. Sadly they didn't keep the music they used in the trailer when they showed parts of that scene. Beethoven's Ode to Joy would have been even better. But I'm not complaining.

Another favorite is the scene where one guy is hanging all Indiana Jones like over the abyss, fighting with one Nazi Zombie and using the guts of another as rope. Great stuff.

All in all, highly recommended. Go see it now.

dead snow, movies, zombies

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