I don't really have much to say, but it's been a month, so I figure it's time to say something. Then again, knowing me, that first thought will likely end up wrong...
Today, I spent most of today studying Japanese and watching more anime. Started "
XXXHolic" yesterday. Ok, before you ask, NO, IT'S NOT
HENTAI!!!! Heck, it's not even
ecchi, for that matter. The title is in reference to the ALCOHolic shopkeeper of the series. The main character is rather annoying as he's a complete and utter drama-queen. I can't tell you how many times I wanted to reach into my monitor and smack him upside the head for being a moron. BAKA!!!
Well, complaints about Watanuki aside, the individual stories in each episode are great and really have some deep philosophical lessons to be learned (the BIG one on which the series is based seems to be "be careful what you wish for..."). Also, anyone who's up on anime, manga, or other Japanese culture should get a number of the jokes tossed around. I get about 1 in 5, but I'm learning.
I also recently finished "
Eureka Seven" and "
GetBackers", both excellent series. Both deal with facing one's past and having faith in one's friends, but how that's done is rather different. E7 is a love story with lots of mech battles (and some seriously awesome twists) while GetBackers is all humans with special, strange, or simply awesome abilities. E7 is one big continual story while GB is highly episodic, but has an underlying arc tying it all together. Neither are totally original in base concept (since most anime is a cliche of itself, anyway, from my experience), but it's how the overlying stories are told and the development of the characters that really make them good.
Ok, enough about anime...(see? I told you my first comment was probably a lie...)
While watching "
Blood+" (dammit, more anime...it's good, but I swear, this is not ABOUT anime...), I heard some music that really caught my attention. If you've never heard of
Angela Aki, I'll forgive you...because neither had I until now. Well, now you have. I recommend you watch "
This Love", "
Kiss Me Goodbye", and "
Kodoku no Kakera - Live". What...you don't speak Japanese? IRRELEVANT! YOU GO NOW!!! Ignore the lyrics themselves...watch and listen. The meaning of her words is in the sound, not in the translation. The hell with French...they may have the "language of love", but Japanese is truly from-the-heart...encompassing ALL emotions equally. Powerful stuff. If you don't even sniffle after "Kodoku...", you better check for a pulse. If the links go dead, just
go here. (Just note that you'll have to install the DivX web player to see these. It's worth it...just uncheck everything but the player itself during installation.)
Oh! I finally got my books and such in for the next term at school. I got a neat toolkit with an adjustible-neck screwdriver as well as a nifty electronic multimeter. I mean, I already have a compact RadioShack version, but I'm thinking this one's a bit more feature-laden. From the look of it, the certification should be a breeze, but I'm checking over the materials first just to be sure. No point in having to re-take something I should have been able to pass YEARS ago, had I bothered. I'm looking forward to it...after a whole year of leadership and professionalism coursework, it's about time for some technology! Too bad I already know most of it, so I won't likely spend much time on it, thus having to get to other courses that aren't so interesting. Oh well, that's college education for ya!
And now for something completely different... The North Texas Mensa Regional Gathering (NTM RG) over Thanksgiving weekends was a blast. Just to be clear, I'm not a member of Mensa. I'm somewhat of an honorary member as I know so many there since I've been my sister's guest for the past several years. I have little interest in joining, but I've got friends in there now, so it's worth at least attending some of the functions. I even met some more interesting people this time. I was never a very social person, but I'm trying...and it's paying off!
I got to participate in an "old-style soda", "unique beer", gin, and Italian wine tastings as well as lose (for the second year in a row) in
Risk 2210. Admittedly, those are the only two times I've ever played...but then, I was up against a pro. She was helping us newbs out, but she still had her own plans in place. I think I did ok, considering! Anyway, after winning in a game of classic Risk just that past Sunday, I felt I held my own well enough.
Ok...so in reality, the Sunday game was never "won", since the board was split between me and another when we decided to call it quits, but consensus declared me winner, so I'll take it. :)
Finally got to hear a good friend of mine sing! She was part of an octet and although her contribution to the performance was one of harmony rather than a lead or solo, it was flawless. The "solo" parts were given to another, who had an incredible voice, but she wasn't why I was there. My friend seemed surprised I made it...but then, she hasn't really known me all that long, so it's understandable.
I actually had been privy to a preview showing of her outfit at her family's Thanksgiving dinner, to which I was very generously invited. She showcased the Victorian dress, complete with long gloves and woven hair "net" (sorry, I don't know the proper terminology), after dinner in the living room. Everyone was stunned. Between the professional craftsmanship of the hand-made dress itself to how she looked wearing it, I'd wished then (and again last night) that I'd had a camera...she was quite a sight to behold.
Actually, I think her shining moment last night wasn't even on stage. After the show, as the group was already off, gathering to go eat and get changed into more modern attire, she stopped to visit with a few children who had wanted to see her. I'm assuming she knew the first one and his family, but there was a girl who wanted to know if she'd made her own dress (which was actually made by a friend of hers) and another little girl that wanted to ask her something, though I didn't hear what it was...it seemed to be about her gloves. In any event, it seemed that everyone was either there to see her (such as her parents and myself) or wanted to meet her afterwards. I stood by and waited patiently...I wasn't in a hurry and seeing her with those kids and the looks on their faces, not to mention her own, were worth it. There really wasn't much I could say to her that wouldn't sound overly embellished, despite truth, so when asked if I enjoyed it, I just said "yes, very much!" I wanted to say more to her, but after everything, her parents had already said farewell and her companions were down the street waiting for her. With all of them staring at us, I got the feeling I was really hindering the group's plans at that point, so I let her on her way. She thanked me for coming out there to see her. I couldn't help but walk away with the biggest dumb grin on my face. As I said, we're just friends, but who knows what the future holds. Regardless of where things go, as long as she's smiling, I'll be happy. Anyway, I'll see her and her sister tomorrow for the
Serenity game! I'm really looking forward to it!
Ok, wow...yeah...I knew this would happen...I simply can't do a short update, can I? I suppose if I'd actually sit down and do this more often, I wouldn't have to cram it all into one post. Well, ok, so maybe not ALL...there's plenty I haven't said...but I think I'll leave it at this. For now...
(ok, you can roll your eyes now..."Thank GOD he's DONE! FINALLY!" LOL!!!)