/dumps two RP memes. TL;DR O/

Jan 21, 2010 02:17

1. Where and when did you start RPing?
luceti. I've met a great bunch of friends here and loved the time that I've spent there, but I can't deny that my interest in the whole game itself has been waning for a few months now. ;; My fail activity is the best testament of this and I REALLY don't want to drop, especially with the new picking up of plot, but...

We'll see. ;A;

2. Do you RP anywhere other than LJ?
I got accepted at GateMUSH, but haven't done anything because 1. I've yet to successfully log into my account :D; and 2. s-so confused by the system sob. ;;

3. Do you play in any public games?

4. Do you prefer first-person comment spam or prose logging?
...I LOVE first person and you should NEVER take what I say [in these things seriously] but tend to do second too. I am fully capable of doing third as well but.

/is crowned Queen of TL;DR for very good reasons. ;;

5. What was the first character you ever played?
sweet-shuriken, Tales of Phantasia.

...I miss her ;~;

6. Who's your favorite character to play now and why?
...That's highly debatable. I'd SAY Gil but hahaha my self-esteem is ridiculously weak with him and half the retarded stuff I have the MOST fun doing is also what I end up second-guessing myself the HARDEST a few weeks later. Otherwise I enjoy playing all my characters when we actually get on a similar wavelength - I mean, I wouldn't play them otherwise, right? |D;

7. What's the longest you've ever consistently played one character?

I-I think Gil actually wins this one with 9 months and counting. I started playing Suzu in March '09 but she was nonexistent starting from late summer '09, sooooo... /s-sob.

8. What's your biggest RP pet peeve?
...Metagaming tends to annoy me but I don't think I've really ran into big pet peeves yet?

9. Do you read RP secrets and the RP anon meme?
...Yes. OTL. I rarely comment, though. I AM, however, a meme ho, ngl.

10. If you've played in public before, do you prefer community based or journal based games?
I've only played in journal-based games. The only one that was in a comm is so small and inactive that I'll just skip over that, 8| and I heard comm-based are easier to keep up with, so I don't think I'll have a problem making a transition if I end up in a comm-based game one day.

11. Would you rather play with someone who's very very IC but a mediocre writer or someone who isn't always IC (but not terrible) and a great writer?
Define 'mediocre'. I can be pretty mediocre myself. B|

...But honestly it depends? "IC" only gets you so far before INTERESTING headcanon and character development based on how long a certain char has been played in a certain setting begins to change them in ways that canon itself never explored. And unless you're in touch with that character's surroundings, you can't point the OOC finger because then you're just an ignorant dick and should gtfo. :|a

12. Do you have a "RP partner"?
...Not really? But I have definitely a circle of friends that I play with more than others.

13. Do you ever stalk any casts, games, or players? Who?
...Occasionally. I definitely stalk our lovely Devil Survivor cast at Somarium and sometimes canons that I'm familiar with at Luceti, but it's not something that I spend a lot of time doing.

14. In your opinion, which part of an app is the most difficult/annoying?
Apps don't really annoy me in general?... Uh. History, I guess, since I don't see its importance in a PANFANDOM game where the entire PURPOSE is to take your character OUT of their canon situation and make them meet new people and see new things. So obviously they'll have new reactions, too. History gives you a basic grasp, but if I can link that part, I'll do it. Typing it out is. Tedious. Yeep. :|;

15. Are you one of those people who has to customize their character's journal layout and userinfo?
Just the userinfo. I LOVE putting up dorky interests too, |D;;; I don't care much about the actual layout. Turn the custom off plz, actually. |D;

16. What was your first game?

Some forum like a decade ago? On SakuraMB. I think it was a Shaman King one with OCs, DERP. ;;

17. Are there any canons you avoid tagging characters from?
...ಠ_ಠ What? Isn't that the entire PURPOSE of panfandom games?

18. Most memorable scene in any thread?

Luceti: Farah's Ice Cone stand. XD; ahfgjkahjh I was so overwhelmed by that one. Also this one time when Suzu cheered Cless up but I can't remember the exact occasion; it just made me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. |D;
Somarium: Saber bullrushing Gil off of the 20th floor. That or the 2xArchers' WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU after her crack dream. Also the fight log with Loki which is easily THE BEST ACTION LOG I WILL EVER DO. ;;

19. Do you RP sex?

ngl I did that in private in the past. Can't exactly say I look back fondly to these days, but I don't exactly regret it, either.

And Iiiiiii don't think I have the balls to do that with ANY of my characters right now. GDIT why am I still playing you Gil ;~~~;

20. Do you play more males or females?
Girls! /o/

Then I joined Som. /holds head.

21. What won't you RP?
Uhhh. As it stands, sex cause I fail, and... generally what's considered squicky by the general populace? 8|;

22. Dressing rooms: yes or no?
I would TAG people in a DR but I'm not likely to post. ...I should post in the typemoon-dr with either Iri or Waver, derp derp. OTL

23. Ever RPed a pairing?
Yeah. Though of late it's more a not!pairing, |D;;;

24. Favorite place to play: musebox, open posts, public games, private games?
...Haven't really experienced all different types to tell? I suck at AIM RPing though due to some form of OCDness and a need to have a believable setting and find it difficult to just dick around, ;;;;;;; /is terrible

25. Talking RP with someone else who plays your character: fun or awkward?
ngl, it would be AWKWARD, but I would NOT pass up a chance to do if I could. My first two characters are Suzu and Farah and to my knowledge I am the ONLY person on LJ who ever played both seriously in a real game.

Then I picked up Gil and my innocence was shattered. Hahaha I am TERRIFIED of all the other GOOD guys who do him right but at the same time. ;;;; And as for Minato who I just recently picked up...

Hnnnnnnnng I'd love to compare notes but I think I'm still too new. I am absolutely ASHAMED of myself when I look at some of Gil's older stuff, so I have this feeling that with Minato it may be the same thing until I adjust and find a proper balance. My HMDs are the FIRST posts in ALL my journals with screening on and IP track off; why won't anyone concrit me? ;~~~;

...Yeaaaaah. probably tmi orz. o\;

And now.

@ luceti

character: Nino (14) [innocentemerald]
series: Fire Emblem 7
muse strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ □ I hear her well. Lately I just lack the energy to actually tag with her - when I DO tag the words come naturally with little effort.
cast strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □ We're not many, but she has the best Jaffar on LJ and lady Lyn and Becky. :3c
plotting capabilities: ■ ■ □ □ □ I know there are things for her to do but ;A; waning interest in the game is really impeding my posting drive, >_<;
likelihood of drop: ■ ■ ■ ■ □ ;~; /clings

@ somarium

character: Gilgamesh (idefk) [babylon-douche]
series: Fate/Stay Night
muse strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I SWEAR TO GOD I CRY TO MYSELF BECAUSE SOMETIMES THIS GUY WON'T SHUT UP. He pretty much took over at LEAST three quarters of my headspace - though this should not surprise me, considering the guys's canonical nature. At least that nightmare did a number ;;;;;;
cast strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ □ I really wish for a Rin or Lancer, but really as long as he has Saber to annoy the shit out of he's fine. |D;;;;;; AND NOT!SON. Mordred Pendragon should- kjhgjkrhgjkahg.
plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ My ideas with this guy are ENDLESS. Stupid, but endless. My castmates can testify - I HONESTLY wish that I could be like this for some of my other muses. ;;;
likelihood of drop: □ □ □ □ □ I am tempted to put ? ? ? ? ? because there are days I tell myself the fail must not go on, and on others, I probably will never drop until either his entire cast does, or all his CRs die out. And that would happen within days of each other - though I'll admit, right now, as weak as my self-esteem with him is, he's... probably my strongest one. /SOB. ;;;;;

character: Minato Arisato (17) [carpo-vita]
series: Persona 3 FES
muse strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ □ He's very new, but as a silent protag there's a lot to work with. And just as much mistakes that you can commit, too... OTL
cast strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □ He has both his senpais and a potential Junpei on the way! /o/
plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ ■ □ I have plans for this guy. The MAIN reason why I picked him up is because then I can have NORMAL CR because ahaha Gil. /holds face. I'm enjoying it so far, though! Albeit being insecure playing a new muse that's already QUITE popular on the scene of ljRP.
likelihood of drop: □ □ □ □ □ Yeah I just got him. I feel shaky with him, but unless something BIG happens, he should be staying around for a while yet.


character: Suzu Fujibayashi (13) [sweet-shuriken]
series: Tales of Phantasia
muse strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □ I can hear her just fine - the only problem is she's pretty quiet by nature, and... her voice is getting covered by others, >_>;;;
cast strength: ■ ■ □ □ □ She only has one castmate, but for what it's worth, Leareth plays a great Arche.
plotting capabilities: ■ □ □ □ □ ...I don't think I'm good at getting her out, especially now that it's snowing and winter and I think my dislike of the season is affecting my playing of ALL my characters. ;;;
likelihood of drop: - - - - - She already failed the November AC. I... really thought of re-apping her at the end of December, but then I realized that I'm just losing interest in Luceti as a whole. As my first muse, I'd definitely like to pick her up again in the future, but for now... She's taking a rest. /sigh.

character: Farah Oersted (17) [omelets-of-fury]
series: Tales of Eternia
muse strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ □ Again, with me, I don't understand what other people mean when they say the voice is fainting. If I was given a situation with her, I'll know how to respond. my issues mostly lie with time and energy, ;;;
cast strength: □ □ □ □ □ :|; she's the only one of her kind. ...Unless you count the other Tales characters? :D;
plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ There are a LOT of things I can have her do, and I know it. Unfortunately... /points at below
likelihood of drop: - - - - - She has failed the AC WITH Suzu and I don't think I'll pick her back up in any other game again. Farah is super energetic and positive and she's TOTALLY out there - I used to be able to match her vigor, but not anymore. I have enough trouble keeping up with what I have already as it is - someone with her optimism and hyperactivity is just not something that I can handle and do good justice to anymore. The saddest part is that I haven't ran out of plot ideas for her - I just can't keep up.


tl;dr: has its own tag cause it's me, meme, rp: general, rp: luceti, rp: somarium

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