Oct 14, 2007 13:59
Remember how I wrote that last weekend was crazy? Well, it turns out that last weekend wasn't so crazy at all, compared to what this weekend has been.
It all began on Monday, when I worked in the drink bar at a sitting for club chiefs and other fulltime workers from all the nations in Uppsala. They were a noisy, drunk bunch, if I ever saw one. Also, I had a fever, which meant that I was a little dizzy and not too focused and serious. This rseulted in a number of quite whacky drinks -- which was a good thing, as many people ordered "something I haven't tried before".
As for Tuesday and Wednesday... Some time has been spent hanging in the library and watching crazy films such as "Mr. Watermelon and his friends" and discussing a number of more or less strange ideas. For example, Micke presented a geneological table proving that he is related to Odin, Norse God and King.
Tuesday night's farce meeting was really fun, as we tried out a couple of improvisation games. One was about Person 1 telling Person 2 about a fictional (or real) problem and at the same time presenting a not-necessarily-physically-present random object or thingy. For example: "My wife left me and shot our kids, but I did find this nice-looking umbrella when I was out walking".
Then Person 2 would introduce his or her problem and thingy, and Person 1 would solve the problem with his or her object, and vice versa. There were quite hilarious solutions to very strange situations. Like;
The other game we played was called "Clue" -- kind of a whispering game, but with acting instead of whispering. It was a murder mystery with five actors: One witness, three Police Inspectors and one Chief Inspector.
This is how to play it: Someone has been murdered! First, select a witness, and send four Inspectors out of the room. Then the rest of the group decides how and where the murder was commited -- in a certain way and at a certain place. For example, with a hammer at the top of the Empire State Building.
Now, the best part: Everyone is mute. Thus, the witness has to perform the whole thing to Inspector #1. When Inspector #1 thinks that he or she knows how and where it all happened, he murders the witness in the same way. Then Inspector #2 is called into the room and Inspector #1 acts as witness, acting the whole thing to Inspector #2. Repeat until only the Chief Inspector is left. The Chief Inspector will watch Inspector #3's performance and then murder him or her. Then he/she tells the rest of the group how he/she thinks the murder happened.
We discovered quite quickly that settings and murder weapons very easily transform into completely different settings and murder weapons.
The most brilliant episode was the one in which Emil witnessed how someone was strangled by a sausage while shopping at Victoria's Secret, and Charlii, as Chief Inspector, told the story of how a man in a gorilla suit strangled someone with a banana peel at an amusement park....
Then there was this Contact Committee dinner on Thursday, during which we lucky committee members (that is, people who have helped registering new students and arranging the sitting for the new students) drank wine, are good food and sang songs.
On Friday, it was time for the Farce Jubilee Party. Betty, Niklas, Emelie and I met up at my place to get dressed and dressed up, as the dress code for the evening was (naturally) "Farce Characters". Niklas impersonated an old king (his hair was wonderfully curled!), Betty turned into a rather kinky-looking Egyptian queen, and Emelie and I went as Xena the Warrior Princess.
It was madness. Both old and new farce members were present; from the very first farce leader to students who joined the farce group a month ago. Old shows were presented and a farce songbook was introduced; there was toasting, the kissing of dwarf statues on stage, people spitting carrots at each other, dancing to old hits and... well, we had a great time.
Yesterday there was a Ladies' Dinner at the nation. The theme was Absolute Dance, so the twenty-or-so ladies who were present got to dress up in disco clothes from the 90s and stand on our stairs dancing to Macarena. The chef of the evening was sold, disco balls fell from the sky and we got to chew gum and be girly. Then we went upstairs to dance and listen to music, as there was a live concert in the great hall. A nice evening, although I was a bit tired from having partied for three nights in a row with quite a bad cold.
Still: Emelie and I were entrusted with the task of arranging next semester's Ladies' Night. Should be fun!
Right. I really have to get some studying done now, as I have somehow managed to find excuses not to do my homework for an entire week. Bad, bad Zal...
contact committee,