May 07, 2007 16:39
Since last Monday I have been down in Ada for police academy. Right now we're getting introduced to lots of new material, so its meant that we've been stuck in a classroom for 10 hours every day-except for the first day, which was orientation and so it was only 5 hours plus the physical.
Some of the stuff I'm learning is pretty interesting. There is a whole lot about being a police offier and what exactly police officers can and can't do (vs what the public/movies thinks they can do).
Some of the stuff I've learned so far is horrible-like the child abuse section. Watching a video of some guy beat up and abuse a one year old baby is sickening and enraging. I don't know if I'd ever be able to work a child abuse case just because i don't know if I'd be able to not shoot someone like that. It hard feeling like this because I don't want to kill people and I was leaning towards being anti-death penalty. But after seeing pictures of dead abused babies and children, everything inside me is saying that people who can stick a baby in a tub of scalding water don't deserve to be walking around.
Anyway, the really cool stuff will happen this monday when I get to do the Law Enforcement driving skills part. Vroom.
Also, I've met some cool people and done some fun stuff. I haven't clicked with any of the girls, but I've got a group of guys that I hang out with and there are a bunch of people that I play dodgeball with. I found out that I still suck at dodgeball, but its hella fun even if you get drilled in the face a few times. I played two days in row after class and by the time the weekend rolled around eveytime I moved it was like "ow, ow." Plus I named my team, team Kathy and went around going "good job Team Kathy" (which might have been why I got hit in the head, hah hah) and that was fun, too.