Nov 26, 2006 02:32
Gray, but not Gray.
A rainbow in disguise.
Flying fish
religious wail
Metro sorta on time.
Emerald City
Jet City
How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways.
Double half caf
Triple macchiatto
China Harbor
Salsa break
One more time.
Viaduct to 1st Ave
Never West Valley.
Go up the Hill
Meet you at Neighbours
Up at all hours.
Streets marked in gold
Avoid the Alley.
Down at King Station
From Uwajimaya
up to Fado
On to 5th Ave
E&C, don't you know.
Missing my Home
Even though there is nowhere to go.
The 2, the 3 and even the 12
It's all right there.
Just look through the Gloom.