Oh, Blizz. I want to hate you, you destroyed most of the favorite parts of my favorite game. But then you turn around and do things like give me pandaria pets for brewfest, and lots of halloween garrison decorations, and a
Pepe plushie and Pepe costumes in game. Dammit, you are making me CONFLICTED. >__< (either that, or I'm easily bought with cute things. argh.)
In RL news my dad goes in for the cath tomorrow and aortic valve replacement (if I'm understanding it all correctly) on thursday. Open heart surgery, in any case. Mom is there, and some of his friends, and he said I was welcome to come but it's not necessary and "that's not really what we do". Which is true - I don't think dad's treated me for any illness since he read feverish kitten!me the Hobbit during a bout of the flu when I was seven, and I have the distinct feeling he doesn't like being sick/weak/compromised in front of me. So I'm sitting tight and just waiting for phone calls, as really, I couldn't do anything there except sit and hover uselessly. I trust Mom and Co. have it all under control. Dad's more optimistic than concerned - he's looking forward to feeling much better after the chronic problem is taken care of (and the first two weeks of drugged oblivion are over). After my own relief of removing a chronic condition in my life, I can sympathize. #__# He's been constantly exhausted/fatigued/short of breath for years now.
Um... other things!
THIS APP. I want this app. Lots of people might be interested in this app (which is for story outlining/notes/etc, and it's not strictly an "app", ie, it's browser based, not mobile OS dependent). I mention it because if this sounds interesting, then go, look, back the kickstarter!
And speaking of stories, here, monday have a meme - post three sentences snippets of things you're currently writing (hint - #3 is the nano):
1) His age group had just started the God given classes - the invisibles of air and earth and how they formed together - and there were days Jampa never wanted the classes to end, reluctant to give up the class book at the end of his turn. It was a real book, the block letters impossibly neat and uniform, marching in clear, easily read lines across the page, and he knew older children - the ones picked for professions - were gifted with the technique behind those crisp, white pages and the perfectly formed words.
2) The Chief Handler took up position off to the side at the bottom of the stairs that lead to the dais. Her voice carried clearly, the snapped order of 'Drop' sending them all smoothly to their knees as though invisible strings had been cut. Asho bowed with the rest, leaning forward across his knees where all he could see was the polished floor beneath him, waiting blind for the next order.
3) Her flesh, under the unit, was the shiny pink of new regen and a huge radius of mottled black and purple all around it, veins and tissue abused from the draw of the unit against her natural cell production.
"Looks like hell," Calan told her bluntly, "and you probably feel like a shuttle landed on you." The corners of his mouth twisted up into something almost like a wry grin as he moved back to her other side, stripping the seal from the meal pack and handing it to her. "Welcome back to the land of the living and miserable about it."
Crossposted from
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