A quick state of the union

Mar 14, 2015 10:28

All things Rose:

  • Schacht cricket looms are 10000x better than Beka looms. I love it!

  • All the kerfluffle about calling me back into the doctor? Swollen lymph node. Because I had a touch of sinus infection. *FACEPALMING* On the plus side, I go in on the 23rd to talk to the doc about scheduling my spaying.

  • Excitement of the week - electronic hijinks while consolidating my student loans, wherein for a few days it showed my loan amount and payments as DOUBLE what they should be. This was alarming. Thankfully it's sorted out now.

  • I'm writing original stuff again. It feels GOOD. ^_^

  • Amusement of the week - I had NO IDEA Frank Welker voiced Reshad in Warlords of Draenor. I've played through the Spires of Arak zone TWICE and never figured it out, but now that I know I can't unhear TFP Megatron being outraged at LazerbeakPercy for having a copy of 'Fifty Layers of Shadow'. >__> And if Terokk isn't an uncredited appearance by Peter Cullen then Hasbro needs to hire whoever DID do Terokk's voice as Peter's backup understudy.

  • I successfully backwards engineered and frankensteined two different Ruby RGSS3 scripts in RPGMaker which both did PART of what I wanted into one script that does EXACTLY what I want. I call this a win.

  • Excepting for the Cricket loom I have done nothing fun with my tax return or bonus from work this year - but daaaamn my credit card looks good. There might be a light at the end of the tunnel.

    And that's it for me right now. Hi, internet. How are you?

    Crossposted from Dreamwidth. ::
    bunnies - Feed a bunny
  • rose:state of the rose, fandom:wow, fandom:transformers

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