Oh look, what's that on the horizon? MORE SNOW!

Mar 04, 2015 15:56

....bah. Well played, universe, well played. That'll teach me to whine about the weather. =P

(if you're going to snow will you PLEASE snow enough to justify staying home? Rather then making me slog out into it, slide around on ice, and spend hours stuck on a bus that is stuck halfway up an unplowed hill?)

In other news, it is a sad day when I return to Twitter - which I have had a hate affair with for a very long time, wherein I view Twitter as only one step above the inane pit that is Facebook. However, at this point? Twitter is less toxic than Tumblr is, at least for my mental health. So, you can find me @Darthrosen if you want to know more about the indie game developer scene then you really wanted to, as that's primarily what I'm following over there.

Why yes, I do regret that "game development" was not a thing when I got my Associates from the Art Institute, and wasn't something I could justify for business purposes when I went back for the BA. But dammit, I taught myself html and css and photoshop and any number of other computer related things. I can teach myself a coding language for making games in.

(though any advice on good places to start would be wonderful. I'm looking specifically at Ruby and HTML5. anyone got some good "n00bs start here" links?)

Crossposted from Dreamwidth. ::
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