improved state of the rose

Aug 12, 2011 09:23

So, yesterday evening was insult to injury on having already had a bad day - in a stroke of self sabotage, there was an oops with the uber sharp new knife that I was using to cut up a tomato with. My left thumb is now flat on top, it took about two hours to stop bleeding, and pretty much nixed my typing ability last night as I had to keep pressure on it for the first bit until it stopped.

(Note to self - uber sharp new knives gotten from the oriental market are, in fact, REALLY DAMNED SHARP. sharp enough to slice right through and take off a significant chunk of the tip of my thumb. I'd be more alarmed if this was the first time I'd ever done something like this, but it's not - it's just usually the tips of my left fore and middle fingers, due to slippage with an X-acto knife while holding down a ruler. =P)

It's okay today, doesn't even really hurt, it just looks incredibly gross and is wrapped up in bandaids. v_v Smooooooth move, Rose. Really smooth.

THEN, I get woken up at 5am by killer cramps. So I toddle off to go take a hydrocodone, and gulp down all the rest of my pills as well, figuring I might as well get it over with, and then crawl back into bed for another hour before my alarm goes off.

One of the new pills? Is the new vitamin D Rx. Let me break the math down for you.

Daily recommended dosage for vitamin D in an adult, including diet and sun exposure, is between 600-1000 IUs a day. This should, in a normal individual, keep up a healthy level of vitamin D in the system.

I was SO deficient last time I was checked - and I was taking 250 IUs additional a day in supplement pills - that my doctor bumped me up to taking 10,000 IUs a day in pill form. And suddenly I was awake, and clear headed, and this did wonders! (this was my other, out of office doctor - he's awesome but it's much harder for me to schedule time to go see him, and the Rx he gave me for the vitamin D pills was brand name and $30 a pop, and had to be ordered through and picked up from his office. Not so useful.)

So after that ran out, I switched to doing 10,000 IUs via OTC liquid drops. Once summer rolled around and I was sitting 45minutes to an hour in the bright sun every day while waiting for the bus, I dropped it to 7,000 IUs a day because I was obviously getting much more sun than I had been during winter.

This would mean I was taking between 70,000 and 49,000 IUs a week. Yesterday the doc here at work looked at me and said no - my new dose is 100,000 IUs a week. Two pills, 50,000 IUs each, take them twice weekly.

So this morning, at 5am, I took a 50,000 IU pill of vitamin D. By 6am I was AWAKE. I was awake, being awake did not literally hurt the way it did yesterday, I'm alert, I'm not moving through quicksand, I can focus and think and feel reasonably competent about it. I'm not crying, I'm not shaking, I'm a halfway coherent human being.

(I'm even still in massive amounts of pain, because the cramps are so bad that one hydrocodone and three advil STILL aren't keeping the pain levels under control, but I'm OKAY with that. It's good enough, I can function through it, and still focus and get things done.)

Yeaaaaaah. I'm pretty sure I don't really need to see the results of my blood test yesterday to know my D levels were in the sub basement again. O_o

EDIT - apparently I'm not actually nearly as deficient as was first guessed. I'm on the low end for 'normal', but still well within middle ground. My stupid body apparently not only doesn't make this stuff on its own, it thinks it ought to be getting MORE of it than normal people. Body, you're DUMB. v_v

Crossposted from Dreamwidth. ::
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rose:better living through chemistry, rose:state of the rose, rose:flesh and bone

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