[points at subject line] That being a description of how my brain gets from point A to point PQY.
Yesterday I made a post about the possibility of switching Age of Empires to orig fic (the unspoken corollary is "or just do MORE WORLDBUILDING ON IT")...
swordage linked me to
Borealis awesome fic epic, which has a unique take on multiple Cybertronian genders...
Which lead to looking up
gender neutral pronouns this morning, and somewhere between the two (comments in Borealis) I got pointed at
Samuel Delany's "Stars in my Pocket Like Grains of Sand" as another published example of an author playing with pronouns in an interesting fashion...
WHICH lead to the current state, wherein my Amazon shopping cart contains:
Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand
In the Land of Invented Languages
The Language Construction Kit
The Writer's Fantasy Reference
The Science of Aliens
The Starflight Handbook: A Pioneer's Guide to Interstellar Travel
Writing Systems: A Linguistic Introduction
Writing Systems of the World: Alphabets, Syllabaries, and Pictograms
.......ever since I started writing, my book buying has shifted dramatically from the "entertaining" to the "research and educational". It's totally skewing the arrangement of my book shelves. =P
Crossposted from
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