Jun 20, 2009 07:39
Dammit, body, there's such a thing as being *overzealous*. Waking up at 6:30 on a saturday totally qualifies. v_v
Oh well. I'm up, I've already checked in with my new class which should, in fact, be titled "Illustrator and Logo Design", not "Digital Illustration". =P I've made my required intro post and because our teacher is seriously on the ball for once (while we technically have access over the weekend of a new course few of them actually get anything up for us to look at until monday) I've downloaded all of the course material to look at later. I'll probably need to crack open the book on this one - I use illustrator daily, but for page layout, not actual design. =P
And now, it being 7:30, I guess I'll go get my grocer shopping out of the way. [throws hands up] OMG this is a stupid hour of the morning!
The good: I totally didn't do anything but lay around and read yesterday evening, and stayed up (deliberately) past the weekday bedtime, but I feel pretty good today. A little yawn-ish, but otherwise bright and perky. I've been adding things to my weekend list as I think of them. I sort of feel like I'm in a state of "run run run RUN keep moving to keep your balance!" which I suppose I am, and I need to find a good stable resting state that doesn't slide into the dreaded depressed inertia, but in the meantime keeping reasonably busy seems to keep me focused and going.
The proud: See above about proactive early saturday schooling when I totally don't really NEED to log in until monday. =P
The "eh": ....it's cloudy and gray and icky out? That's really the only eh right now. \o/
school:back to it