Story Posting Location + FicUpdate

Aug 12, 2005 22:07

Well, I've decided to keep posting What Comes of It at rather than moving it over to LJ. This is partially due to the fact that it wouldn't be fair to the readers at that don't use LJ, but mostly because it would be too messy to have it posted partially at two different places and I don;t really want to take it down from and lose all the reviews. ^^;

However, when it is finished I will give it a page on my site and will post the link here. ^_^ Also, I will probably post the sequel to it here on LJ. I've never posted a story in its entirety to LJ, so I'm somewhat curious as to how it'll work out.

And I've updated What Comes of It . . .

Chapter 9:

As a Jedi Obi-Wan had always lived a rather busy life, first as a Padawan, then as a Master, and then as a General during the Clone Wars. And even after the Jedi Purge, Obi-Wan had been an active participant in the Rebellion.

But now, as a captive Imperial Consort, Obi-Wan found that for the first time in his life he had nothing to do. Obi-Wan had no doubt that Anakin would carry out his threat if he should attempt an escape, so planning an escape attempt was no longer a consideration. And he certainly didn't have any duties to perform . . . at least not during the day, usually.

(Click here for the rest at Force Haven
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