First off, I finally got around to updatng
Force Haven's Archive with new stories in the adult section. And I have discovered the wonder that is Dreamweaver, so updates should be more frequent now. :)
Also, Chapter 7 of What Comes of It has been added to the adult section of
Force Haven's Forum. I don't really have a regular update schedule, but Tuesdays and Fridays seems to be good times to post. :)
I'm somewhat disenheartened by the lack of reviews for this story on, I'm lucky to get 5 or 6 per chapter. Which is really more strange to me than anything, since I got more reviews for my off-the-wall gen fic than for this! Bizarre, I tell you, bizarre. The only reason I post at is because I've tended to get more reviews there than at other sites, simply due to the sheer number of viewers; and I know I'm getting a lot of views of my story by the stats page. But since I don't seem to be getting many reviews there anymore, I might just stop posting there and post it here in my journal to LJ communities instead. Decisions, decisions.
On a more positive note, I just started chapter 8 of my next story. To my utter shock, I'm actually having fun writing Anakin & Padme dialogue. O_o No, the world hasn't ended, and NO, I'm not writing an Ani/Padme story . . .