fic: Home Coming

Mar 22, 2012 13:19

Title: Home Coming
Author: darthbatgirl
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Characters: Dick/Tim
Summary: Journeyman Tim Drake has uncovered a plot to kill one of the High Masters and he turns to Dick Grayson for help - the very man who had broke his heart.
Word Count: 864
Warnings: magic AU
A/N: written for arturosavinni on tumblr and the wonderful prompt of "Who do you turn to when the only one you can trust is the one who made you cry?"


Dick looked up from the book he was reading startled at the voice. A voice he hadn't heard in over a year - or was that two. He stood up and looked around the library and there by the fireplace, a shadow that was deeper than most stretched and bent till Tim Drake stepped out of it.

“Tim . .” Dick took two huge steps toward Tim, his arms stretched out to pull the younger man into a hug, but stopped as he felt the tingling of a barrier forming around Tim. He lowered his arms and took a step back, though he couldn't hide the look of longing in his eyes. “You came back.”

“I . . yes for now. I'm back for now.” Tim said softly.

Dick looked over Tim, taking in every detail. He wore black and red robes, his bangs fell in his eyes which he had shoved out of his eyes a couple times already. He was a little bit taller than last time he saw him, but was still short, perfect for hugging. Tim's words caught up to Dick. “ . . For now, you're not staying?”

“I . . I . . if you'll forgive me I should try to find Master Wayne. I-I'm sorry to have bothered you.” Tim said.

“No!” Dick said firmly, With a flare of will he flooded the room with light, chasing away the shadows that Tim could have used to have left. “You can't just show up after two years - after leaving me - and just leave again. You just can't.”

“I didn't leave you,” Tim exclaimed hurt filling his voice. “You took Damian on as an apprentice. You didn't want me.”

“Didn't want . . is that what you thought? Damian needed -needs a good Master, Bruce isn't it, you know that as well as I do and. . .”

“And it stopped our handfasting. Once you take on an apprentice all other relationships become minor to that and you know that.”

Dick bit his lip and looked away for a second and looked back, a plea in his eyes, “You had just achieved your Journeyman status, I felt selfish for keeping you to myself. It was a time for you to explore the world . .”

“I never wanted the world, only you. I thought you felt the same,” Tim said so softly Dick had to strain to hear the words. “I'm sorry I shouldn't have bothered you. I'll go.”

Dick ran to put himself between Tim and the door, his arms out in an appeasing manner. “You came here to find me. If you wanted Bruce you would have gone to the cave or found Alfred, but you came here for me. Talk to me.”

Tim's eyes darted everywhere but Dick and after a long moment sat on the arm of a nearby chair. “After I left I decided to do some more research . . . and I - I feel in with Ra's Al Ghul.”

“Al Ghul?!”

“I only studied in his library, I never took up an apprenticeship!” Tim defended. “But during my stay I found out he was planning something - an assassination.”

“What are you sure?”

Tim nodded as he ran a hand through his hair, “When Master Al Ghul figured out that I knew he sent his men after me. I barely got away. I can't stop him on my own.”

“Oh Tim,” Dick whispered wanting to hold the younger man so badly “Of course I'll help, you never need ever to ask. Who is he planning to assassinate?”

“I don't know, his men came in just before I found out, all I know it's one of the High Masters.”

“A High Master? AL Ghul has grown brazen in his old age,” He waved Tim to follow him as he pulled the door open, (ignoring Tim's second of hesitation to follow after.) Go see Alfred, you look like you could use one of his sandwiches - plus he'll be happy to see you. I'll go get Bruce and send a message to Barbara and we'll stop Al Ghul, I promise.”

Tim paused and then nodded turning toward the way of the kitchens where, even at this late hour of night, Alfred would be. Dick knew Alfred would look after Tim while Dick looked for Bruce. Besides making sure Tim got a decent meal he would also make sure any injury got looked after, which Dick was certain Tim probably had one or two major ones he was hiding.

The fact that Al Ghul had let Tim study in his library scared Dick. It meant he had taken an interest in Tim, Al Ghul taking an interest in someone was never bode well. And it hurt. To think that Tim had thought that Dick didn't want him. It hurt to think that he had failed Tim so badly. This was his one chance, his one and only chance to make things right, to win Tim back.

dick, tim, dick/tim, nightwing, robin

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