fic: Band Pratice

Mar 22, 2012 13:15

Title: Band Practice
Author: darthbatgirl
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Characters: Dick/Tim
Summary: Dick leads Tim into a duet
Word Count: 360
Warnings: AU, pre-relationship
A/N: written for the lovely heartslogos on tumblr who had asked for a boy band AU

Dick leaned against the door of the music room watching Tim hunch over the piano. He was a blessing, an absolute gift. The Titans were great before but adding Tim into the missing spot left by Steph, well their music was better than ever.

He closed his eyes and listened to the music, part of it was the new song Tim was working on, He would work on it for a while and then get bored with it and then the tune would morph into something else, something meandering that twisted and twirled and went down another path entirely.

Dick pushed off the door and walked over and picked up his guitar. Tim looked up from his playing and shook his head as Dick played a rift. Dick smirked as his fingers danced over the cords, challenging him to follow. Tim let out a soft laugh and joined in, sweet clear notes joined in with Dick. They chased each other up and down the scales, slowly building up to crescendo. Dick strummed the strings one last time as he threw his head back and laughed, “That was incredible! Best band practice ever!”

“Might have been better if the rest of the band was here too,” Tim said as he just smiled at Dick's enthusiasm.

“Aw they would have just slowed us down,” Dick said with a wink as he came over to lean on the piano. “You really are incredible you know?” he said in all seriousness. “I've never seen anyone - anyone, who can play like you.”

Tim blushed and hit a key, “Just part of the band.”

“It's more than that. You've breathed new life into us.”

“I think you were doing okay before me. Five gold records, voted band of the year,” Tim grinned.

Dick cupped Tim's cheek, “And you're going to make us even better. The Titans are going to soar because of you,” Dick leaned forward brushing his lips against Tim's

Tim's eyes went wide and touched his lips, “ . . W-why?”

“Because your our song bird.” Dick said softly before kissing him again.

dick, tim, dick/tim, nightwing, robin

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