
Dec 04, 2008 18:49

God I've been longing for a relationship lately again. I just want someone. I'm twenty years old and I haven't had a serious relationship once! I feel like something is wrong with me. What is it that turns guys off to me? I'm nice, I'm pretty smart, I'm not gorgeous but you'd think there would be someone out there who could love me.And it's not like I push myself on them, I just flirt. I know I've posted a similar post in the past but this longing has gotten worse. Why is it that every guy I meet is either taken, not interested or my sister is interested in and I can't cross those boundaries? It's not sex I want I want emotional connection. Making out and all that is great but I want more. I want love or something close to it. Sometimes I hate myself because I feel like I'm doing something to push them away. I don't know I just want it so bad! I don't want to wait any longer, which may seem selfish but I want someone to love me, to want to be with me. Maybe not forever but who knows where it could go?
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