Jan 06, 2007 04:26

Okay, apparently, this idiot right down here:

STOLE my old Rurouni Kenshin (Samurai X) fan fiction Shadow in the Sun which was published four years ago. The story is listed at my site

and has been on hiatus for a while. In fact, I was thinking of reviving and rewriting it, the same way I revived and rewrote my one and only Star Wars fan fiction A Single Touch of Grace.

A reviewer brought this to my attention and well, granted that the plagiarizing actually happened three years ago (the idiot plagiarizer's publish date for his or her "very first Rurouni Kenshin fan fic" is 6/14/03 - still, my mind just absolutely boggles. Especially since it HAS gone undetected for so long. My only consolation is that the idiot at least didn't continue stealing my story and just stopped at the prologue.

This was MY first Rurouni Kenshin story, written alllllllllllll the way back when I was just barely out of college and it is kind of awkward in places and at that point, I was slowly learning the trick of balancing Original Characters and the Canon Characters without pulling a Mary Sue/Harry Stu. But it's STILL something I WORKED ON.

I know there's some people who'd shrug and say, hell, it's FAN FICTION. Still, I'm not pretending I made up Rurouni Kenshin. Or claiming I was the one who wrote Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. We all know where the original Muses came from and we acknowledge that in our disclaimers and we sure as hell are NOT happy when someone steals OUR ideas without so much as a by your leave or a "hey, this story was inspired by..."

Oi vei. Anyhoo, I've reported the idiot to admin. I'm not gonna bother emailing the person directly because picking a fight over email will just waste my time. Sigh. Hopefully no one else has decided it would be entertaining to grab any of my other stories and put them up as theirs. It may not be great literature, but them's MY babies and I'll thank any would-be plagiarizers to keep their bloody mitts off.


life, rant, fan fiction

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