Ok, so inevitably one of you outside the US is going to tell me to STFU, RTFM, or say WTF. And you'd be right. I still think voting is A WASTE OF TIME. It's like playing lotto but with much higher odds stacked against your candidate and less chance of winning anything really cool i.e "oh yay some stuffy wad won the right to sit in the office for 4 years and fight off SIG's & PAC's, pander to the redneck evangelical voter base because nobody wants to piss off the almighty, and appear to have the economy under control just long enough so that the next person who gains the job is inheriting an absolute tragic mess." Yeah, that whole process sounds like a lot of fun to participate in. Meanwhile, inequality continues unchecked around the globe and all we can talk about in televised debates is the other guys' record. *eyeroll* I'm tellin you this now: tracking the storylines of politics is like QAF for people still in the closet. Anyone can be political just by existing; being involved and enamored with the process is a different ball of wax. My rally cry to people shocked to hear i couldn't care less about who gets elected? get over yourself in '08. Elect Nobody. Boy wouldn't that be cool? Nobody shows up in the polls, the entire system gets brought to a grinding halt. Volunteers are left yawning in their cold metal chairs all day. Pollsters are befuddled and left to blog endlessly about it. TV alerts show headlines of nobody voting (no kidding guys! we planned this! we're the one not voting!)and talking heads rant about apathetic baby boomers and vibrant young voters. The end of the cold November day ends and no votes have been tallied...OH NOES!!!
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