Title: What day is it?
Universe: Harry Potter
Genre: Fluff, romance, humor
Ships: Neville/Hermione
Rated : G
Summary: Neville knows it's Harry's birthday, but Hermine reminds him of someone more important to her.
The quiet little house in Barnesley slowly dried off from the last whips of the summer rains. It was tranquil once more, and the rainbows did not go unnoticed by the inhabitants of the house. Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom would always sit on the porch this time of morning on Sundays. Today was no different, despite Hermione Longbottom’s concerns.
“And did you remember to wrap Harry’s birthday present?” She asked.
“I did it last week”, Neville Longbottom explained.
“And what about the cake?”
“It’s an ice-cream cake. It’s in Ron’s fridge.”
“Things in Ron’s fridge don’t last for than a day” she pointed out.
Neville laughed as he turned from the rose bush he was inspecting.
“That’s why he bought it last night.”
“And what about the other cake?” Hermione persisted.
“What other cake?”
“Today’s not only Harry’s birthday, you know.”
“It’s not your parents’ birthday, Hermione. Nor my parent’s. Yours’ won’t be for another few weeks. It’s not Seamus or Parvati’s or any of the Weasleys’. It’s not Luna’s or Dean’s or gran’s or anyone at work’s or Sprout’s or any other teacher in the school. It’s nobody’s anniversary, it’s nobody’s death day, and our engagement was two months ago,” Neville counted on his fingers, making sure Hermione could not accuse him of forgetting someone important.
“It’s someone important to me. Someone I love.” It was Hermione’s turn to smile.
“Viktor’s is in January and Ron’s was back in spring. Besides, you’d tell me if you were pregnant….right?”
“Of course I would. But the person I’m talking about saved my life, saved the world, and made me the happiest woman in England”, Hermione teased.
Neville just looked puzzled.
“We’re going to Harry’s party tonight. I thought you brought it up. I’d never forget Harry’s birthday”
“How about your birthday?” Hermione laughed.
“Oh”. Neville realized exactly what day it was as Hermione pulled him back to the porch steps and kissed him deeply.
“Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve forgotten something like that”, he said with a blush after the kiss finally finished.
“And it’s not the first time I’ve had to remind you. But that’s why we’re going to get married”
“And what you get out of it?”
“You. Happy birthday, love”
This time, they didn’t break off the kiss for a very long time.