May 22, 2011 16:49
Its funny how important serenity is. Have you ever noticed how profound an impact quiet time can have?
I am a person that enjoys their privacy. I like to be alone, its when I'm happiest most of the time. Even my daughter at 6 knows that the best thing she can give me as a gift is to think up an idea to now and again leave me alone.
I just had my first real alone time in years today. My head is very clear and I feel fantastic.
I wonder what happened to all those people that quit their jobs to preach the world ended yesterday?
Alot of writers make me angry because they don't characterize. Oh sure, they make hamfisted clumbsy gestures, but the most important part of fiction to me is that the characters are believable. Not relatable, belivable.
I'll use the movie "The Iron Giant" as a random example of that. Universally acclaimed and also completely unheard of. Its a stupid kids movie, though its dealing with the very real and complex topic of retribution. But still, there wasn't a character there I didn't buy as real.
It always made me think if I'd want revenge for the worst wrongs of my life. I don't. I think knowing the person did what they did in my own mind is enough for me. I suppose I should count myself lucky my suffering there has been so light.
I started painting something I saw in my dreams last night. I'm curiouse how it will come out.
I also think obama is brilliant. Shutting up and not responding to trolls has made his competition a laughing stock to everyone that has an iq over the range of 60 or so. I can't wait to see his next term.