Meme: 10 things I've done

Feb 23, 2005 13:54

Ok, I've seen this one floating around a bit the last 24 hours, so here goes:

The top ten things I've done that you probably haven't:

1. Ran a furry convention for 4 years.
2. Lost $60,000 personally running a convention (ouch, learned lesson hard way)
3. Alienated 50% of the people who used to consider me a friend, by trying to run a furry convention.
4. Have 25 years experience working with computers (atually holding a job involving computer usage), and I'm only 37 now.
5. Rode a motorcycle (1979 Yamaha xs750 3-cylinder with full dress) from San Diego to Dallas, TX in less than 25 hours (including a 5 hour sleep-stop).
6. Stripped a working Furby down to it's gears, glued it to a homemade incindiary device, and set it off (ZonieCon 3, Tucson Arizona). "Loud noise, Loud noise," squawked the naked furby.
7. Widdled a block of wood into a chain with 7 links.
8. Ran a webcam in 1998/99 that I took down after an insane coworker accused me of sexual harassment. (Just because I bragged about my webcam didnt mean I was using it to flirt, it just means I was being geeky... My boss agreed, but I took it down anyways to make peace at work)
9. I built O.J. Simpson's defense team's computers (one in the courtroom, one in their war room) that they used to present evidence in his criminal case.
10. I stood on top of Emerald Plaza, on the helicopter pad, and captured video of it with my PDA.


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