Oct 28, 2008 09:36
Ignoring the scandals surrounding it, ACORN's stated goal is to get more people registered to vote. They do this by sending people into neighborhoods with low voter registrations and hanging out at grocery stores asking people if they've registered yet, and signing them up if they answer "no".
My biggest problem with this is that if people are not motivated enough to register themselves to vote, then why should they get a voice?
I mean seriously... If you're too ignorant to know that you need to register, then you are probably too ignorant to know anything about the issues. If you don't know anything about the issues, then your vote will only reflect the current media/celebrity endorsement instead of what might be best for you and your community.
Why should the apathetic have a voice in the elections? Anyone who WANTS to vote, can, so why does it take hundreds of thousands of volunteers to canvas various neighborhoods to get them to register to vote?
It's as simple as filling out a little card at the DMV or the post office and dropping it in the mail. You can even order a voter registration card online now, pre-filled out and mailed to you to sign and mail back.
election 2008