Quick thoughts...

Mar 31, 2008 08:22

I find it hilarious that "Earth Hour" last week coincided with several power grid failures. I guess activists didn't realize that if the power grid doesn't have somewhere for the power to go to, it has to shut down generators to avoid a meltdown... It melted down. If the people organizing and participating in "Earth Hour" by turning off all their lights *did* in fact realize this, then they are no better than eco-terrorists who put spikes in trees in order to kill lumberjacks.

Tomorrow is April 1st. Don't believe anything you hear.

For the first time in 5 years, I can pay my property tax on April 10th just by using my paycheck. Yay for good-paying job! ;)

I still have to file my '07 return... But I should be getting a few thousand back from that, thanks to all the tax-deductable mortgage interest I paid last year.

Well... off to work. I have to wait until after 8:30 each morning to hit the road, or I'll get stuck in unbearable traffic... That doesn't mean that my body wants to sleep any later, though, which is why I'm usually online in the mornings for about an hour around this time.

work, political, taxes, random, mortgage

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