It's the Sun, stupid!

Jul 11, 2007 14:57

More recent observations indicate that Mars' south pole is continuing to melt. "It's evaporating right now at a prodigious rate," says Michael Malin, principal investigator for the Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC). The pits in the ice are growing by about 3 meters per year. Malin states that conditions on Mars are not currently conductive to the formation of new ice. NASA has suggested that this indicates a "climate change in progress" on Mars.

Are we driving too many SUV's on Mars? There *are* 2 of them, but they're solar powered!

Maybe we've clear-cut too much of the martian forest? (Ummm... what martian forest?) Emitting too much in the way of fossil fuels, then? CFC's destroying the Martian Ozone Layer? Oh wait... they don't have one.

Well, then, maybe it's just a solar climate change effecting the entire solar system that's heating our planet (which, by the way, hasn't had a measurable increase in average temperature since 1998, but don't tell the liberals, they'd only think you're lying about it).

That hypocritical, electricity-wasting Al Gore and his tree-hugging, Carbon-crediting, hippie friends can kiss my SUV-driving, air-conditioned patootie.

Congress introduced several bills today to limit emissions from factories, cars, etc... with mandatory compliance by 2030. That's just what we need: something else to make it harder on businesses in the U.S. to compete... NOT!

Call your Representative... Call your Senator... Tell them: "It's the Sun, stupid!"

political, global warming

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