I'll take the pink one - It works better.

Jan 05, 2007 13:06

When did the "color" or the catchy name for a cellphone become it's primary selling point?

I went to see the new 007 film Casino Royale and was force-fed a long commercial (another thing that really annoys me but I won't get into here) where a male comedian dressed in red was oogling a model, also dressed in red, both in a featureless white setting... he was trying to cop a feel, dancing around her to get her attention, etc... for an insanely long time with only the word "Red" visible on the screen. Quite a long while after I was thinking "what the hell is this about?" it switches to a title screen that indicated that it was a cellphone commercial for a new phone available in "Red".


To illustrate how bad the commercial was, I don't even remember the name of the phone provider. They didn't mention any features or what the service provider options are... nor how to get one.

Now I hear today that Motorola posted surprising losses today as they announced the sales figures for the Razr for this holiday season were less than expected.

Well, like duh! The Razr is like Soooo last year, like OMG! This year, people could get Chocolate!
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