I am officially 20 weeks pregnant as of yesterday. Halfway through without a hitch yet.
The ultrasound appointment went perfectly. After hearing that they were running "on time", I waited 30 minutes listening to impatient families awaiting their newest additions and the amazing benefits of twilight sleep and epidurals before I was led into the room. Two technicians, then the doctor took their sweet ass time taking measurements and examining every detail of this little baby. Happily, all is perfectly healthy and wonderful. Measurements and growth are consistent with gestational age and I couldn't be happier about this.
I ate some crystallized ginger and almonds before the appointment to stave off my feverish nausea, so there was a lot of rumbling and thumping going on, much to my amusement. The two technicians (one was training) remained mum about me bringing out my little camera and shooting video of the screen for about 15 minutes. I'm putting the videos up here (even though I know you're reading this for one thing only).
Click to view
Towards the end of the hour, when the perinatologist came in to do her final overview, the babe was in a sugar-induced coma and very stubborn. Just as she was about to apologize for the fifth time and put the wand away, the babe gave it up.
We got labia, people :)
My dreams were off or maybe I am oversimplifying dream analysis, whatever the case may be: it's a girl.
I mentioned to
mandella0021 while I was waiting that I thought it was a girl, despite the dreams.
Maybe my intuition does supercede my subconscious?
Tears, joy, happiness, and the overwhelming sense of, "THIS MIGHT ACTUALLY HAPPEN" ensued.
The receptionist, Cheryl, hugged me and had tears in her eyes as she gushed over how happy and glowy I was.
It's a good day.