Brokeback Mountain

Aug 10, 2006 01:05

I've been meaning to watch Brokeback Mountain since... well, whenever it was in theaters. I read the book even before that and it was quite good, so I thought it might be nice to see the movie (and, because I'm not fooling anyone, it had pretty, gay cowboys in it).

I dloaded and tried to watch it yesterday. Stress on the word "tried" because as soon as it hit the first sex scene, I was left gawking and decided to watch only the end. Not because it was hot but because it was like from a bad fic.

JACK: *gropes Ennis*
ENNIS: Get the hell away from me, you queer!
JACK: *gropes some more*
JACK: *opens belt*
ENNIS: On your knees, bitch! *opens belt*
JACK: *drags Jack's pants to his knees, spits once, presumably touches his cock with the spit!hand* Hnnnnnnnnnngh! *thrustthrustthrust*
ENNIS: *pantpantpant* Yessssssssssssssss...


darlingfox: : O.O WTF? Owww! Where's the lube? The stretching? Or "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGHHH!!!!!! RECTAL BLEEDING!! DIE, BASTARD, DIE!!"?

Honestly, I expected more from a movie which has been praised from here to everywhere. I'm sure the budget would've covered a few advise from an actual gay man. Hell, ask any yaoi fangirl and she could tell how anal sex works so that there won't be Horrible Pain and/or Suddenly Unconscious Tops. It's the little details that make the difference whether it's a fic or a movie.


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