Okay, so I know I still haven't really elaborated on
this post... I just haven't been in the mood to sit and intentionally stew about the whole thing enough to write about it. Plus those feelings have sunken down into my stomach for awhile, simmering on low and waiting for the next time I get antsy and crave massive amounts of inspiration before
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I have yet to have a "real" sexual experience with another woman. I have made out with a girl and felt her boobs, and it was glorious. I definitely spend A LOT of time fantasizing about the possibility...but for reasons unknown to me, haven't sought a relationship, even a casual one, out. I have always, always been this way...thinking a whole hell of a lot about it, but never being presented with the *right* opportunity to go for it.
I don't even know how I function in relationships. Seems I like being in them (monogamy is my bag, baby)...then after a while, things start to come undone, the relationship ends, and it's on to the next adventure. I have never been presented with a polyamorous relationship. I just don't really have any clue, really, who I am in the context of relationships and what I want or truly desire for the long term, for myself. All i know is that I fall in love with people and go for it, and I like to bone.
I'm soooo tired right now...more thoughts later! especially about the double standard you mentioned...
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