i'm too tired to even think of a witty title.

Sep 04, 2009 03:19

Totes bored. Just sitting here, smoking one of Dave's cigarettes, farting (haha whatever, I ate garlicky souvlaki earlier OKAY?), listening to The Kills, feelin' kinda tired but kind of awake.

Worked door at the bar tonight. It was the motherfucking drummer of Saga's band (for those of you who know not of Saga - aka most non-Canadians - they were a ridiculous power prog-rock keyboard fruity bullshit band back in the 80s. Their big "hits" were On the Loose and Wind Him Up. Hilarious shit to listen to on the radio as a joke, but in all honesty, terrible, terrible music), "Negus". 'Nuff said? Okay maybe not. I've seen a lot of crap come through the bar since I started there but DAMN this was lame. Basically, they just sounded like Saga, except worse. At least they played Saga's two hits, which me and my friend Lee thought would be good for laughs, but really it just sucked.
Oh and Jen, just to make matters more hilarious, Kelly is their lead guitar player, and I'm pretty sure that Al guy is their singer. Bahaha. Bad times.
Lou kept coming over to snark on them so we were pretty much just complaining to each other all night about how much they blew. He freed me of my torture around 11:30 since the band was going to be done @ midnight anyway.

I hacked off a bunch of my hair tonight. Like 6 inches or so. And I gave myself fringey bangs again.

It reached my bum before I cut it.
Think I'm gonna have to thin out the ends though.


So last night during my shift I had to do multiple runs to the creepy basement to grab two-fours of beer to fill up the fridge. The basement stairs are freakishly steep and spaced far apart (not to mention super old and rickety...), and I had to do this about four times. When I got home last night, I had the WORST cramp in my upper right butt cheek. It was driving me so nuts that I had to get out of bed and stretch for ten minutes to try and make it go away. SO uncomfortable. Anyway, I'm assuming it was from trying to crawl up those fucking ridiculous stairs multiple times with 30 lb. cases of beer, but I don't get why the pain was only in my right butt cheek, haha. Maybe I have a really tough left cheek. Or maybe (logically) my right leg is my leading/dominant leg so it took on more of the pressure. Yeah, come to think about it, I was walking up those stairs one step at a time (due to the circumstances) and I always lead with my right leg. Well, that explains it. Thanks for letting me work out that dire logistical problem, Eljay!
Man my whole bottom half is sore today. Fuck I need to exercise more. I'm so stupidly out of shape. I really want to get into yoga because I feel like it would be the most beneficial daily exercise for me, but I want to find a good yoga program to buy/download. Any recommendations for a beginner?

Not much else to say. I have heartburn.
Peace owt dawgs...?

this ain't hollywood, hair, boredom, shows, self portraits

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