
May 28, 2009 13:49

I normally don't do these but I really need a distraction right now.

Current mood: Apathetic, lazy, bored, procrastinating.
Current music: T Rex - "Jeepster"
Current taste: nasty mouth. I just ate a strawbs/bananes/all bran/yogurt parfait that I made.
Current hair: Long and fancy-free.
Current clothes: Black cotton sundress. Turquoise underwear. Striped bikini bra.
Current smell: Not much. Rainy air coming in the window?
Current thing I ought to be doing: JOB HUNTING?
Current windows open: The one right next to me.
Current favorite band: HM! Current fave... maybe Akimbo or Kylesa...
Current cd in stereo: Iggy Pop.
Current crush: I want to splooge on this question.
Current favorite celeb: I guess Jason Segel or Bill Hader? I don't care about celebs much.
Current hate: My procrastination. WTF is wrong with me.

=Do I=

Smoke?: Just pot.
Do drugs?: See above. Plus occasionally others, but rarely.
Drink?: Beer plz.
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: I constantly dream about teeth.
Remember your first love?: How could someone forget that?
Still love him/her?: Oh my dear, no.
Read the newspaper?: I read news online.
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: Yes.
Believe in miracles?: No, not really. I believe in chance.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: Depends on your self control.
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: Haha. Depends on the day. I'm not tolerant of assholes and pricks, and just plain stupidity.
Consider love a mistake?: Of course not.
Like the taste of alcohol?: Not particularily.
Have a favorite candy?: Sour peach rings.
Believe in astrology?: Real astrology, yes. Not the shit in the back of magazines.
Believe in magic?: Absolutely.
Believe in god?: There are many different gods.
Have any pets: Two cats. We got rid of the spider when we moved. :(
Go to or plan to go to college: Twice.
Have any piercings?: No thanks.
Have any tattoos?: A bunch.
Hate yourself: No way. I dislike PARTS of myself, but whatever. I'll deal.
Have an obsession?: I don't like that word. It's weak.
Have a secret crush?: I have ten thousand crushes.
Do they know yet?: Moist.
Have a best friend?: Sure thing.
Wish on stars?: Not but I lose myself for hours just looking at them.
Care about looks?: Of course, to some degree.

=Love Life=

First crush: Jacob, the freckly boy next door when I was 5.
First kiss: David Partridge in grade 2.
Single or attached?: Attached.
Ever been in love?: Oui.
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Didn't, til I met Dave.
Do you believe in "the one?": Yes and no.
Describe your ideal significant other: oh blah.

=Juicy Stuff=

Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: Yes.
Have you ever been intoxicated?: They don't call me "Shitty Dude #2" for nothin'.
Favorite place to be kissed?: My shoulders or back.
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": My mom caught me giving a beej when I was 16, ahahah.
Are you a tease?: Definitely.
Shy to make the first move?: Nah. I'm not shy about that shit.

=Word Association=

Rubber: dinosaur.
Rock: lobster.
Green: lantern.
Wet: suit.
Cry: chimichanga.
Peanut: monocle.
Hay: ladies.
Cold: prude.
Steamy: sauna.
Fast: eddie.
Freaky: friday.
Rain: jack the ripper.
Bite: taco.
Blow: fish.


Hair: Uh... black. really long. bohemian, messy, some bangs.
Eyes: Bright green.
Height: 5'1"

=Last Thing You=

Bought: Toothpaste and Motrin.
Ate & Drank: Water, a fruit parfait.
Read: In the middle of "American Psycho" by Bret Easton Ellis.
Watched on tv: Probably something stupid.


Club Or House Party: House Party.
Beer Or Cider: BEER.
Cats Or Dogs: AH! Both.
Single Or Taken: Whatever works at the time.
Pen Or Pencil: Pen.
Gloves Or Mittens: Panties.
Food Or Candy: Sushi.
Cassette Or CD: TKO.
Coke Or Pepsi: Diet Coke.
This Or That: Shut up.

=Who Do You Want To=

Kill: Tyra Banks? Karl Rove?
Look Like: No one, thanks.
Be Like: I'm fine the way I am.
Avoid: Everybody, ha ha.

=Last Person You=

Talked To: David.
Instant Messaged: Can we say texted instead? Dave.
Kissed: Dave.
Cried Over: Myself.

=Have You Ever=

Dated one of your best friends?: Back in the day.
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? When I was a pussy, yes. Ha. I'm a lot tougher now.
Drank alcohol? Clearly surveys are for 13 year olds, but here I am, doing it anyway.
Done drugs? Sigh.
Broken the law? Come on now.
Run away from home? Never had to. I had cool parents.
Broken a bone? Never. KNOCK ON WOOD.
Played Truth Or Dare? Sassy.
Kissed someone you didn't know? I did that a few times back in the day.
Been in a fight? Physically... only once.
Come close to dying? Three times!

=What Is=

The most embarrassing CD in your collection?: Some band called "The Divine"... I got it at a friend's show a lonnnng time ago, they were the headliner and they SUCKED. I should just throw it out. It's fucking goth-industrial-spooky-techno BULLSHIT.
Your favorite thing for breakfast?: Egg sandwich. Or eggs Florentine, MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
Your favorite restaurant?: Pickle Barrel.

Well, that was boring.

meme, survey

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