random sweetness

May 27, 2009 11:11

Wow! I got this sweet email from an acquaintance in my FB inbox this morning:

Hey Lindsay, I think I vaguely heard that you are moving and if so maybe you won't be around these Londonia parts anymore so I wanted to tell you something that I was meaning to bring up at some point when we'd cross paths......

I know you are a really good photographer, but I wonder if you do any writing on the side? Maybe you do. But if you don't you totally should...

Every so often one of your comments is on the FB newsfeed and they are said in such a unique voice that I always want to hear more of whatever it is you are riffing on....you have a really creative way of expressing yourself and I think it could translate well into writing of some sort....I can honestly say if you wrote a novel in the voice of the persona that is even vaguely "You" it would be a hit. I know I'd buy a copy!! Maybe you have a blog, if not, you should set one up at the very least....

Hope you don't think I'm too weird (too late) for telling you this, but I always believe in letting people know if there is something really "extra" to their cool selves.

Anyway, that's all I got! HAve a wonderful time exploring whatever you are trying on and good luck!

How totally random and nice!
Especially since half the time my "voice" is that of a shitbag punkass. Ha.

For some reason I got up at 8:30am. BUH? I don't know how I managed to pull that off, especially with the night I had last night. I went to bed with a belly/brain full o' beers. Oh well. My body does what she wants, I guess. So I got up, saw Dave off to work, and then made a healthy breakfast of an egg sandwich and some fresh yummy grapes, and a big glass of skim milk.
It would be great to get some cleaning done around this dump today. It stinks like cat litter and garbage, and dirty dishes. Wanna come over? Ha. It's not as bad as it sounds, but I definitely need to dispose of aforementioned old cat litter and garbage/compost/recycling. Maybe vacuum the place.

Biff played Akimbo for me last night at practice and I totally fell in love with them. I'm trying to download a couple of albums right now to jam out to later.

Okay, I'm boring myself. Peace.

emails, domestic lady, bands

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