Weed, chinese food, daiquiris and punk rock, with Michelle.
Nice night. Her new house is amazingly great.
I feel a little bloated from all of the chinese food though, oy. I definitely ate the best chicken balls of my life tonight! The chicken was so tender and fresh-tasting.
I'm starting on some Omega 3/6/9 and Green Tea extract vitamins tomorrow. Hopefully they'll help out with flushing my body of all of the shitty things stored up in there, and help make my recent dietary efforts (sans chinese food and daiquiris) easier and more effective.
Didn't get a whole lot done today like I wanted to, but that's okay.
I'm baked right now for the first time in weeks and it feels great.
Oh yeah, so Dave and I have a new band with our friend Bif (formerly of Shallow North Dakota and Partytank!) and Johnny "Jai-bay" (from Fuck The Facts and Partytank!). Bif's already been writing songs. I think him and Dave are going for a crunchier, punkier Motorhead-type sound. Once we get to Hamilton in the middle of April, we'll start practicing in the old Partytank! jamspace and putting some shit together. (Name still pending. Dave likes "Black Ties," but I just feel like there are so many [amazing!] "Black" bands out there right now. It's as bad as "wolf" and "crystal". )
I've decided to possibly give up hope on ever buying a Thunderbird bass. The cold, cruel reality is that they are just too big. I am a small girl, and I just look ridiculous with large basses like that. So I think I'm going to buy an Epiphone SG bass. They're smaller guitars/basses, and I've always loved SGs anyway. Sigh.
For now I'll probably just use Dave's Fender Precision bass (also too big for me) because my bass is a piece of shit that I hate and it is way too much of a metal bass. I want to try to trade it in and put it towards my SG.
I can't wait to fucking play. It's going to be so rad, and Bif and Jai-bay are awesome dudes. This is going to be good, people.
Ps. my Black Flag tatty-zap is still so fucking DRY and ITCHY! I don't know wtf is wrong with it! It's been way over a month... hulksmash!