sunshine is a cure-all for what ails ya.

Mar 18, 2009 02:09

Why I loved today:

I loved today because I woke up 2 hours earlier than I have normally been waking up since I became unemployed. I think that was my depress-y, "I can sleep as long as I want now that I have nothing to wake up for" phase. Honestly, I don't like sleeping in too late. Especially now that the weather is getting to be magnificient.

Which brings me to point two:
The weather was so gorgeous I couldn't even stand it. Balcony door wide open, flooded with sunshine, definitely resulted in a good mood all day long.

I loved today because I felt calm, and happy. My body was in minimal pain - my foot barely hurt at all today.

I worked on some photos I have to get printed for a client, got that done. I cleaned up the kitchen and the bathroom. I read some of my book, which I hadn't picked up for a few weeks until today. I ate perfectly all day long, and felt pretty great because of it - and I have been diligent with tracking everything in my SparkPeople account. I looked at some inspirational photos - mostly fashion and photography. I spent some time with Dave.

Today just felt so great. I almost don't want it to be over.

I will try to make tomorrow as awesome as today was.
I want to wake up early-ish, eat a good breakfast, do my regular internet stuff. I'd like to take those photos to Forest City Image Center, go pick up my Greyhound ticket for the weekend for Hamilton, and get on over to A&P to pick up a few odds n' ends for my dinner with Michelle tomorrow night. All on my bike. Then I want to come home, eat lunch, have a nice shower, spend some time with Dave before I leave, and then go make dinner and hang out with Col. Mustard aka Michelle-angelo.

Hopefully I wake up full of motivation.

awesome, life, happiness

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