
Dec 17, 2008 14:27

I literally can't even move my head, my frontal lobes are throbbing, my body is stiffer than a cum-stained magazine, but it was totally worth it!!!


Fuck! This is the first time I've seen them, FINALLY, after having the chance to see them about six times over the years and for some reason I never ended up going to any of those shows (???)... but I went, I saw, I conquered, and I came home bruised, sore, and completely soaked head to toe in blood, bile, piss, shit, and cum.

Amy, Amanda and I went, all dressed in starchy white, prepared to be destroyed.

I was in 110% party monster mode and so for the first time in years, I reached in, pulled out all of my strength and armour, and headed for the front. I haven't been in a goddamn moshpit since I was probably 18! Ha ha haaaaaa.
And last night, I remembered how fucking fun it can be to just let go, as a female, and let the crowd of insane, testosteroned, grunting men just move you. I don't even think I was using my own body to hold myself up. All I remember is just being drunk on beer, thrashing like a fucking maniac, some dude's hands on my ass, a lot of sweat, a lot of elbows and bodies and hair, and getting showered - more like monsooned - on with various liquids from the stage.

Also: BALSAC!!! YEAHHH! <333

I got to see my fucking monster dreamboat in the flesh! Highlight of my week, my month, my year! Wooo! Happy early birthday to me.

Amy, Amanda and I reconvened after the show and surveyed the damage. Amanda had stood quite a ways back from the crowd, so she didn't end up getting destroyed as much as Amy and I but she still had an awesome time.

the aftermath in graver detail.

it all soaked in through my tights and skirt!

Unfortunately I got no pictures of Gwar. I had my purse with me (terrible move... I had it wrapped around my arm and consequently almost had my arm torn off a few times, haha) and hence, my camera, but eh, I had no time for pictures. I was too busy thrashing.

Ahhhh. So good.

partytime!, shows, bands, thrash monster

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