Last night I opened a very old bottle of wine. I purchased it in 1981 ... it is a white grape wine vinted in 1979. Here is the name(s) on the bottle:
Edelstaler Kaisergarten (and below that in smaller letters ... Qualitätswein besonderer Reife andLeseart)
below the above name is: Trockenbeerenausles
On the side: Österreich Weinbaugebier Burgenland - Product of Austria
Up towards the cork: Pieroth
Also on the label was the handwritten price I paid; $30. Back in 1981 this was a lot of money.
I had a specific reason for opening this bottle last night. It was much, much different than the reason I had planned back in 1981. It was to be opened when I (re)married. Even though that almost happened, in the end it didn't. And the bottle of wine stayed hidden in my cabinet. I have stored it on its side all these years, through seven (!) moves.
The cork on the bottle, when I took it out last night, had some red wine type stains, which I thought strange since it was a white wine. Was indeed! It has turned to a deep golden brown with a red tinge. I don't know the hows or whys of that. I knew it hadn't turned to vinegar because a sniff of the cork while still bottled smelled delicious. So I opened it ... although I had to make several attempts ... the corkscrew couldn't grab a foothold because the cork began to disintegrate! Finally, I got it out, in a gazillion pieces. And the wine must now be strained before pouring/drinking.
Although the wine has definitely changed, it is delicious. It is still a semi-dry dessert wine, but it now has very strong hints of brandy and sherry. I only had a small glass last night but will have a couple more tonight.
I opened the bottle for a very good reason, albeit not the original. If I were to write anything on the bottle, it would be liberation, validation, and grace. So, cheers to you, my friends, and cheers to me! ;-)
Edited to add a 1981 label picture