Title:Running With the Devil
Author: Dark Wyldchilde (wyldchilde37@yahoo.com)
Rating: Let's err on the side of caution and go NC-17.
Setting: My Lock AU, starting with "Life on the Farm". While it started more traditional fan fic, this is the eighth in the series and most wonderfully has developed into it's own world, that just happens to be populated by characters from other series.
Summary: The soldiers of the Lock are coming to the understanding that the reason there isn't a plural for the word apocalypse is because it would devalue the concept, and the doomsdays that they have been facing have simply been warming them up.
Spoilers: While this IS it's own universe now I will freely draw upon Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, NCIS, the Executioner/Stonyman Farm and now Supernatural.
Disclaimers: This is a not for profit work of fanfic and is in no way a challenge to existing copyrights.
Wyld's Notes: I tried not to write this fic. Literally, I thought having three cannons in the same universe was pushing it (I count Buffy and Angel as one for obvious reasons), but when I tried to NOT write this my muse overruled me, and since people have been finding the other things she's encouraged me to write worth their time I figured I would share this as well.
Chapter 25.
Tara frowned. She wasn't having any luck finding Dean Winchester. It wasn't to have it out with him or anything as several of the people she had asked about his location had thought, but now she wondered if that was what Dean was thinking.
It made it all the more important for her to find him and talk to him, to let him know she understood. Though Dean might not have the same tact or discretion that Galen had with his feelings for her it hadn't been the first time someone had developed romantic feelings for one (or as Lex continued to tease, both) of the Lock's leading ladies.
Most of the men and women were content to adore from afar which ever one had captured their feelings, but even then both of them had always tried to be as gentle as they possibly could with the feelings of their admirers.
After Dean's blow up in the briefing for the Romero Bomb she thought it was time to try to talk to him. From what she had picked up about Dean Winchester it was probably past time to try to get him to open up a bit and let out some of the pain the man was so obviously carrying around with him.
There! His brother could help her! "Sam?"
The younger, but noticeably taller Winchester brother turned around smiling. "Hey Tara. What's up?"
She returned the smile. "I was wondering if you could help me find your brother. I think he may be avoiding me."
His smile faded a bit, but only a little bit. "Does he have reason to?"
Her smile became the lopsided grin even the brothers were now well aware of. "No Sam, none at all. He is not the first person to fall for Faith. I trust her implicitly, and I think deep down he knows just how devoted she and I are to each other. I just think it might help him to talk about his feelings on the subject, and anything else he needs to get out."
Sam's eyes got wide, and his smile grew. "You want to talk to Dean... about his feelings?"
Tara's smile grew, and Sam froze. When he finally found his voice he put an arm over her shoulder. "You know what Tara? I would LOVE to see you help my brother open up on all those things he just can't seem to share with me."
While Tara's smile was obviously in sincere agreement if one looked closer at Sam they might see his smile looked a little bit cruel as he led the witch to his brother.
Sam had been a great help, knowing Dean, and perhaps just knowing hunting enough to finally track his brother down in the control room where he was looking over Willow's shoulder.
There Willow was pointing angrily at her screen. "See! There it is again."
The younger Winchester didn't pay any attention as he walked up to his brother with his hands proudly on Tara's shoulders. "Dean! Tara here was thinking you two should probably sit down and have a talk."
Dean froze.
"About your feelings." Was said with a very large smile on Sam's face, because while Dean can and would throw punches if Sam tried to hard to get him to talk about something he didn't want to talk about he knew Dean wouldn't have that option with a girl who was just genuinely concerned about him.
Willow stopped mid-tirade. "Resistance is futile Dean. You will share and care."
Dean looked terrified, and Sam looked delighted, but then Dean quickly looked to Willow, and started speaking in a panicked clip. "No, no! I mean I'd love to open up and share what I'm really feeling deep inside, but there is work to be done! Willow has a case!"
Tara and Sam looked to Willow, and Willow looked back to her monitor, finding the outrage she had before they her entered the room.
"Right! Milan Ohio! Phones going haywire, computers flipping on and off!" Seeing Tara was about to excuse some technological glitches Willow quickly continued. "And houses getting called by SHA33!"
Sam had a quizzical expression "Wasn't that like back before they had real phone numbers?"
Willow was nodding enthusiastically. "Yep! You picked up the phone, turned the crank, and then told the operator who you were trying to call."
"Must have made phone sex difficult." Was Dean's comment.
"Or added a whole other level of sexy." Was Willow's quick reply before continuing. "But! I've been checking and one of those called by SHA33 committed suicide, so I started calling the others, posing as a phone company employee... guys they eventually admitted they were talking to the dead."
Though it was not terribly unusual for Sam and Dean to speak in unison, this time Tara was in unison as well as all three said. "What?"
"I talked to an 84 year old grandmother who admitted she's having phone sex with her husband who died in Korea." Was Willow's answer.
"Rocks my understanding of necrophilia." Was Dean's reply.
Tara took a breath. "Okay. Any thoughts on the cause?"
Again Willow's head nodded enthusiastically. "EDISON!" Everyone stared at her blankly and Willow sighed loudly. "Milan Ohio is Thomas Edison's birthplace. Where they have his spirit phone!"
Seeing everyone come up short she charged on. "When he wasn't busy stealing other people's ideas and taking credit for them he was totally messing with the occult, coming up to building a spirit phone... which didn't seem to work! Probably because he had made it himself rather then having stolen the idea from someone else!"
Dean then held up a hand to try to slow Willow down. "But if it didn't work then how would it be working now?"
She looked at Dean like he was stupid. "The Devil's Gate."
His brother Sam could only repeat the words. "The Devi's Gate?"
Another sigh from Willow. "Yeah... Okay, gate opens, evil souls pour out..."
Dean interrupted. "You're assuming Edison went to Hell."
Tara put her hands on Willow's shoulders. The two women had been together for a good amount of time, and she was familiar with Willow's feelings on the inventor. "Actually Edison WAS renown for stealing other peoples ideas and calling them his own. Lex confirmed there is a circle for greed, and he would heave almost definitely earned a place there."
"Yeah!" Was Willow's enthusiastic reply. "And they could have stripped away his humanity over the course of an afternoon. So he gets out, maybe remembers his spirit phone, starts using it to torment people!"
Sam had to nod. "He was kind of a douche."
Tara frowned. "You guys want to take this? I'll cover expenses?"
Willow interrupted. "And I'll help you nail that invention stealing bastard from here!"
With nothing to follow up on in regards to breaking Dean's contract they decided to go to Milan Ohio to hunt Demon Edison.
It didn't turn out to be Demon Edison, but rather a crocotta, a being that could feed on people's souls, that had learned how to use technology to lure it's victims to do so.
They had managed to stop it, Sam killing it by stabbing it in the back of the neck, and now it was being autopsied by Doctor Mallard.
What had been of perhaps more interest was that the creature had shown it could interface with technological items with a touch... something similar to how Willow detected his access, and then manged to send a lightening spell THROUGH the lines to fry it to the point Sam had little trouble finishing it off.
Tara was now standing in front of Willow's "altar" where the computer expert, and what Tara was now thinking techno-witch, was looking at her shoes.
"Willow, Sweetie, you need to tell me EXEACTLY what you've been doing to your baby here?" Tara emphasized her words by touching the red head's keyboard, while Willow's reply was to bite her bottom lip, and not meet Tara's kind, but questioning gaze.