Title:Running With the Devil
Author: Dark Wyldchilde (wyldchilde37@yahoo.com)
Rating: Let's err on the side of caution and go NC-17.
Setting: My Lock AU, starting with "Life on the Farm". While it started more traditional fan fic, this is the eighth in the series and most wonderfully has developed into it's own world, that just happens to be populated by characters from other series.
Summary: The soldiers of the Lock are coming to the understanding that the reason there isn't a plural for the word apocalypse is because it would devalue the concept, and the doomsdays that they have been facing have simply been warming them up.
Spoilers: While this IS it's own universe now I will freely draw upon Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, NCIS, the Executioner/Stonyman Farm and now Supernatural.
Disclaimers: This is a not for profit work of fanfic and is in no way a challenge to existing copyrights.
Wyld's Notes: I tried not to write this fic. Literally, I thought having three cannons in the same universe was pushing it (I count Buffy and Angel as one for obvious reasons), but when I tried to NOT write this my muse overruled me, and since people have been finding the other things she's encouraged me to write worth their time I figured I would share this as well.
Chapter 24.
Faith would have tried to adjust her outfit, but there wasn't really anything to adjust. Feeling like fetish wear, and as a as snug as wetsuit it was the Lock's version of a bio-hazard suit.
It actually combined more then a few pieces of underwater operations tech that had been adapted to dry land it was worn snug to not interfere if one was called on to fight, it even had a thin layer of Kevlar, but that was more to assure the suits integrity then to armor the wearer.
The internal atmosphere had also been adapted to keep the user cooled since the otherwise form fitting outfit would broil it's wearer before anything of note could be accomplished.
Slayer was decked out in hers, which as a regular op had been custom fit. That was also the case for Scooby Squad who was operating inside the containment zone while Gibbs and those maintaining quarantine were in the traditional bulky bio-hazard outfits in case someone managed to see them.
Luckily containment had went up without a hitch as no one had cause to be in the rust belt section of Gary at night... at least amongst the legal sections still remaining in the economically depressed area.
It was looking like those with less then legal dealings had either been paid off or killed off as Scooby Squad had found body dumps, but not enough to account for all the gangs known in the area.
So far the only living souls the Lock's assets had encountered had been the Lock's people, and Dean Winchester. He had been apologetic, while he hadn't served his father had, and Dean admitted he should have been more respectful to a commander giving orders to her troops.
In the end when he mentioned he knew how to handle large vehicles like the semi pulling their containment vessel Faith decided to put his driving skills to use while still speaking to both Buffy and Gibbs that he might need to be secured if he tried to actually defy her orders rather then merely question them.
All was quiet, and even as she kicked herself for thinking it as she approached the old Church Spike had told them would contain the auction... it was TOO quiet.
There were vehicles that indicated the buyers had arrived... unfortunately the dealers had timed the releasing of the info so no one party could arrive early enough to attempt to steal the weapon. Which was essentially what they were out to do.
Stalking closer she could see the lights were on, but again, no sounds were to be heard.
Her H&K was up off her shoulder and the heavy weight of the suppressor was waving round as she scanned the night.
Slipping closer to the building the lack of guards for people who had been so careful had already set her nerves on edge. When she got closer she could see the dirt around her chosen entry point had been disturbed like the guard had charged inside.
Yet it felt strangely comforting as things might be FUBAR, but that was a familiar situation compared to the unknown.
Keying her throat mic she whispered. "It looks like whoever was standing guard ran inside."
Witch Woman's calm tones came to her. "Roger that Slayer. How do you want to proceed?"
Her mic was keyed again. "Scooby Quad hasn't found anything inside containment so I want them pulling close to monitor the situation. Otherwise hold positions."
Tara's reply was quiet, but Faith recognized it as the controlled quiet the witch had cultivated to keep her worry from her voice. "Roger that."
Slipping into the abandoned Church Faith scowled. While it made sense to keep the place well lit to repel invaders like her she REALLY had been hoping for some concealing darkness.
Her side entrance had put her near the kitchen. A deliberate choice as it would be a place of heavy movement as refreshments would be getting brought into the main sale area so her entrance wouldn't raise alarms until it was too late.
She wound up being the one alarmed when she entered the kitchen, and found three forms standing there staring into space. They could only be called forms as they were already dead, but to her continuing alarm they didn't react to her.
It took a second before she realized her bio-hazard suit must be masking her life signs to their perception. It made sense really. No heat, no scent, no sounds other then those that would be the mechanics of her internal oxygen supply.
Which left her a decision. Did she slip past and hurry to the Romero Bomb? Leaving zombies at her back that could increase the chances of a mass rush of zombies like in one of said director's movies? Or did she take them as she found them? Possibly starting off said mass rush, but of a lesser number.
What cinched it for her was not wanting to leave them at her back. So taking a deeper gulp of her bottled air she lifted the H&K, switching it to semi-automatic fire. She wasn't sure what would kill them, but that was also another reason to start now, closer to the door she could make a retreat and have Apollo level the place if things went sideways this early.
Three suppressed shots where she decided to use the Romero strategy of placing them in the head, and three fell right where they stood. Their dead states emphasized by the absolute silence in which they fell.
Though her helmet muffled her hearing Faith strained the enhanced sense to see if there was any indication from farther in that they had heard her.
Satisfied there was none she tapped her throat mic. "Weapon hot, guessing bidding got heated and someone went lead instead of gold since I've got bodies with bullets that aren't mine."
Witch Woman came back, her voice again a controlled calm. "Roger that Slayer. Having Boss Man tighten containment a block closer, will radio CDC to set one a bock wider, and double quarantine to forty eight hours."
Dean Winchester's voice then came over the system, lacking control. "Containment vehicle?"
Tara gave the order before Faith could. "Move with new containment, and hold for orders."
Faith's last transmission before moving deeper was a bit of tactical advice. "Romero had it. Head shots if you need to."
Two more were encountered and neutralized on her way to the heart of the Church, the only place where there would have been room for the auction.
Once there Faith had to bite down a curse. The auction had went bad. The exact reason didn't really matter as the point was the Romero Bomb was sitting on the altar, and had been punctured by several rounds as the bullets had flew, and while most don't realize it, unless you get a head shot bullet wounds aren't usually INSTANTLY fatal.
Much to Faith's dismay that meant they had time to get infected before they died, and then once they were dead they must have got right back up to kill those who had survived the shoot out.
Which would mean that the dying, and rising were separate functions. Assuming she survived she would have to be sure to note that in her report.
No one would blame her for pulling out right then and just ordering Apollo to level the place with fires that would wipe out the man made plague right then and there. Except that they couldn't be 100% sure it would. They couldn't even be 100% sure there weren't samples elsewhere in the world.
The only way to be sure was to get a sample, and the only way to get a sample was to shuffle her way into what was upwards of 20 zombies of unknown nature.
She timed her moves slow. To say "zombie-like" embarrassed her, but that was what she was doing, and it worked. to get her to the altar, but as she slid the container into a bio-hazard vessel she had brought for just that purpose, her motions got through to whatever primitive drive motivated the zombies and they all started turning to her.
"Of course." Was just thought, rather then voiced as she clipped the bio-hazard vessel to her web gear and lifted the H&K. Four head shots dropped those closest to her before she flipped it to auto and laid a sweeping burst at leg level.
Several fell, and several others fell climbing over them to get to her as she jumped up on the altar, and jumped for the choir loft. Her left hand grabbed the railing as her right foot found purchase on the outside of the loft. For a brief moment she thought she might slip, but her left leg managed to find support against the figure of the Crucifixion hanging behind the altar.
Without even thinking about it she turned and looked at the carved Christ. "Thanks." Before she finished climbing into the choir loft and ran into the hallway connecting it to the rest of the Church.
"They know I'm here! Apollo get airborne! Toast the place as soon as it's in your sites! Dean! Back up a block away."
"That's not close enough!" Was his reply.
She shouted back. "I can get myself out! I need the decon shower and containment to make sure I don't infect anyone as I do!"
The small hallway made even the H&K difficult to wield so she slung it at her shoulder with her right while her left was drawing a parang. Like a machete but featuring a curve it normally was to cut through underbrush, but with Faith's slayer strength behind the wicked blade it beheaded a zombie easily.
Another attempted to grab for her, and was also beheaded for it's trouble. Though in that case the blade cut crosswise under the ears to remove enough of the zombie's head to count.
Making a window she dove out it, catching herself on the windowsill. The parang was holstered as she hung there before she pulled herself up. Hearing the semi backing up she hauled herself up and scaled to the roof.
Running along it she marked the vehicle's path and dove to it, but short of it.
Landing on her feet she hurried to the open doors, ripping off her gear and hurling it into the large container she knew was there for her to do just that. Her bio-hazard outfit was next, until she stepped naked into the decon shower.
There she found Nurse Cameron Baum. At first Slayer had wanted to insist that she could take care of her decontamination alone, but the medical staff had disagreed in unison, and Baum had insisted that her work in the MASH before coming to the Lock included how to handle decontamination.
It had cause Faith to sigh, but she was part of a unit. She risked her life for them, and they risked their lives for her.
She might not like it, but she couldn't call that a bad thing.