Jan 25, 2010 03:52
In the inimitable style of the gaming thickie I sometimes am (out of practice these days...)
"TuDae I hav lurned sum inturesstin stuffs abowt left fore ded. I hav lurned dat I am noe gud az a Tank inn roorul settins. Anuvver plaer tole me I frow rox tu farr. I will lurn how tu frow rox bettur."
"I hav also lurned dat shotguns iz bad for uvver plaers on expurt in left fore ded. I shute uvver plaers wunce, and dey fall ovur. Dis is not gud, coz i need plaers tu hav mi arse."
"Fihnully, I hav lurned dat cr0wnin is verri tuff. Yu must bee rite beehind de wich wen u hit hur, or shee will own yu."
"I am reely prowd of wot I hav lurned, and hope to immpruve."
*chuckles* in other news, I've joined the ZOMGL4D forums, and hope one day to match wits with Adameus. Might be amusing. Apart from that, it's been dull, dull, dull. No jobs, no luck, very little money till saturday, an assignment due that isn't *too* tough, another due next month that is, and generally not an amazingly happy bunny (for one main reason why, see the entry below.)
Yeah. Well, at least I enjoyed myself some more with L4D, and tried out Champions Online (not bad, not nearly as complicated as some people make out, and a bit easy for me, tbh. Auto healing when you win a fight just makes it too easy. You just heal every time you take out a low level enemy, so you can kick the asses of the higher level enemies. Might try custom loadout now, see whether that's any more complicated...